Honda Wreckers in Hamilton for 91 CRX parts

deacky, Mar 5, 3:19pm
Just wondering if anyone knowa of any Honda wreckers in Hamilton.I have a Honda CRX 1991 that I need to do up and can't find parts for it. TIA

ct9a, Mar 7, 2:42pm
what parts are you after!

deacky, Mar 8, 1:55am
Hi There, I am after front gaurds, doors, and dash. Cheers.

deacky, Mar 9, 3:16am
Did you have some parts or know where I can get some!

camerong1, Mar 9, 2:31pm
I know it's not in Hamilton but you could try or post a wanted add on here

ct9a, Mar 9, 2:33pm
is it a ef7!

hondalova, Mar 9, 5:48pm
honda and hyundai wreckers down ellis street.

deacky, Mar 10, 11:22pm
Cheers Hondalova

deacky, Jul 8, 12:51pm
Cheers camerong1