We bought a cheapy from Dick Smiths, lives in the boot, works well even has a light on it so you can see what you are doing in the footwells. Not as grunty as a 240v unit but great for a quick tidy up.
Jan 21, 10:24pm
I'm interested in one too - I'm assuming the 12v ones which plug into the ciggy lighter would be better than a recharge type machine!
Jan 21, 11:20pm
Why do you make that assumption!
Jan 22, 5:12am
Not a scientist! But have had battery ones in the past that seem to run down quite quickly when a few years old even though I tried to "empty" the battery before putting back on the charger - I've read about "memory" with the older style batteries. The 12v ones would have constant power wouldn't they! Please share your knowledge owene!
Jan 22, 5:13am
What about this one! 439786597
Jan 22, 12:00pm
230volt rechargable hand held Hoover Dustbuster far better than the asthmatic 12v plug into the ciggy lighter type POS.
Oct 18, 10:17am
Yes I imagine those rechargables would have greater suction as well as being stonger made, some are certainly pricey so they oughta be good.I shall inquire into one. Thanks everyone
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