I've run out of car wash, can i use anything else?

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corgi731, Mar 18, 7:30pm
Might be a dumb question, but need to wash the car and realise a don't have any.I was going to use dish washing liquid, but got told thats not good to wash it with. just a one off till i can get some.

intrade, Mar 18, 7:33pm
do not use dishwash it roots the film of the paint in placesthat you cant apply protective polishi afterwards causing more damage then good.better just wash with hot water supercheap auto sell big bottles car wash concentrate.

jezz43, Mar 18, 7:34pm
brake fluid or shaving cream can give a really nice metallic look to it.:P
alternatively just water and elbow grease

corgi731, Mar 18, 7:35pm
k thanks

mr_lovebug, Mar 18, 7:37pm
I have used paint thinners in the past,NO JOKE!

Was a great way to soften the paint up so that I could cut it back.

Forget why I did it now,that was 16yrs + ago now.

intrade, Mar 18, 7:39pm
dont do anything stupid brake fluid is highly corrosive just in caseyou dont already know .

mr_lovebug, Mar 18, 7:43pm
Also DON"T use paint thinners unles you are going to repaint the car,I think that is what i was getting the car soft & ready for a repaint.

Being trying recall WHY I did it for now.

Personally it was fun,you can see the paint start to peel if you leave it on for too long or too much etc.

Never again. he he.

jono2912, Mar 18, 7:46pm
Handy andy.! I know it makes a good window cleaner. But I'll let someone else confirm this.

intrade, Mar 18, 7:47pm
i have already posted why you only use propper car wash and nothing else.

intrade, Mar 18, 7:49pm
that could be a way as kerosen is oil based

phillip.weston, Mar 18, 8:01pm
nope, go down to the warehouse, your local servo, supermarket, repco, supercheap etc and pick up some proper car wash. dishwashing liquid contains salts and other ingredients which will do long term damage to the paintwork. I suppose only one time probably can't hurt so long as you rinse it down properly and ensure that the car gets polished and waxed within the next few months.

mrfxit, Mar 18, 8:03pm
Nothing wrong with dishwashing liquid
Been using it for many years with no hassles.
Simply DON'T put a lot in, not that you need much anyway.
That applies to ANY cleaning products including "pro" products, too much & you can expect problems

mrfxit, Mar 18, 8:05pm
WTF . on top of modern clear coats . LOL

Just make sure you rinse well & it won't ever be a problem.

mrfxit, Mar 18, 8:07pm
HandyAndy/jiff/ etc
For an old emanel paint job thats about to get a good cut & polish /wax anyway . YEP

galex, Mar 18, 9:43pm
*Some* dishwash liquids contain a fair amount of salt, they will clean great but long term may cause salt buildup and corrosion in panel joins etc.

mrfxit, Mar 18, 9:52pm
AND . ppl wash their cars just about everyday using the bare minimum of water & without getting rain on the car from time to time.
Well thats not gonna do my dish's any good is it.

johnf_456, Mar 18, 9:59pm
+1 Do it right its not that hard to get, do it right first time.

hijacka, Mar 18, 10:02pm
Never tried a alternative to car wash, but if proper carwash wasn't a option i'd prob go down to the supermarket and buy a bottle of baby shampoo (unless theres some in the cupboard) but don't tell the wife what your using it for lol, Never tried it before so could be wrong but if its gentle on the eyes and streak free when using it for window tinting i don't see how it could affect the paint in a bad way!

gunhand, Mar 18, 10:08pm
Well i might as well have a say on this as well.
The "Dont use dish wash" for washing cars has been around forever. Maybe single pack clears wernt up to having nasty caustic stuff on them but todays modern 2pak clears are a little different. Lets see, They are tested in conditons that most of cars will never see, ie, dessert condtions which are extremly hot and of course sand storms. Freezing conditions well below zero, infra red testing and so on and they still come out fine. You can wipe modern clear coats with thinners (wipe only) and hve no issue unless you go over the same place alot of times. They put up with bugs being splattered on them, bird shit, tar, gravel, sun, rain, hail, oil, greasy hands and many other things that touch a car.
YET useing a squirt of dish wash in 10ltr of water will ruin it!
Food for thought thats all.
I use car wash but for the reasons that they have propertys designed for removing bugs etc.

hijacka, Mar 18, 10:19pm
I think its more the stripping of wax thats the problem and can lead to bigger problems if left unattended too-as you know.
#1 wants to wash his car with the best alternative to car wash, so im guess that he or she doesn't wana spend hours polishing and waxing it afterwards. I use megiuars soft wash that doesnt strip the wax off and wouldn't think baby shampoo would either which is why i recommended it or trying it;)

tgray, Mar 18, 10:36pm
If you have run out of car wash, get in your car and drive to an auto store and buy some more before washing your car with any of the stuff mentioned here!
Paint thinners! kerosene! omg.

rsr72, Mar 18, 10:43pm
And never, ever, under pain of absolute death, use Handy Andy on a car.

If desperate, a little hair shampoo, for dry hair.

mrfxit, Mar 18, 11:26pm
Wax on top of clear coat.from factory . LOL .ummm yea sure

mrfxit, Mar 18, 11:27pm
LOL . Ding^

richardmayes, Mar 18, 11:30pm