again demonstrating your real attitude to other people's pride and joy and level of care they should expect - well done sport. i hope no-one ever entrusts you with anything older then 5-10 years of age that isn't made of titanium. what a piss poor attitude to take.
Jun 22, 1:14am
Where fords barely make it over the kilmog .just,blame the 'mechanic"Poster is pissed about his precious car , & he has need to take it somewhere to have it seen to ,about one problem & seeing now has someones attention ( like not getting it fom elsewhere)finally has found someone to complain ( TM) about anything & everything ! . What a fcn tosser ,! I dont look at cars nowdays butlook at peoplefirst &ask myself ,do i give my time here for this person for their vehicleor not !, If not its easier to send them on their way for themto annoy someone else. Some people justhave way more issues than thevery cars they drive,
Jun 22, 1:30am
what a tit. or just another half arsed ruff as guts mechanic! Also, nice trading history on your profile. says a lot .
Jun 22, 1:35am
#65 ?
Jun 22, 1:39am
Well they breed 'em smart in your part of town don't they!
Jun 22, 1:41am
You really are stupid, When did I complain about my! I complained about a muppet with thumbs for fingers who works in AK.
Jun 22, 1:44am
Huh ! better you stay up there in Aucksthen lol
Jun 22, 1:48am
that all you can come up with old man!
Jun 22, 1:53am
think it is you who is the tosser.
Jun 22, 1:59am
I hope I never have to deal with you or ya fragile cars in my lifetime. Sick of customers to quick to blame someone else I agree with bob. Ya got a part and it takes ya 20 mins it broke in your possession wake up take some responsibility stop trying to pass the blame and fix it ya self. Obviously a common problem and about to brake anyway otherwise you would not have the spare part.
Jun 22, 2:04am
#71jeeze your your an ugly looking sod lol, what does ya mother look like!
Jun 22, 2:07am
bigfatman (lol) man you really can't write. go back to school. Yes you guys are right. When I put it in so many years ago a voice told me it will break on 18th June 2011, so I was really smart and booked my car into a workshop for that time.yeah right!
Jun 22, 2:12am
dont name and shame or you may get a law suit against you. sort it out amicably
Jun 22, 2:21am
That's what I'm doing. Just wanted to have a rant, and I did. They're going to send it to a metal specialist (prob' someone he knows in the trade) so he can then tell me that it broke two years ago. Or maybe he'll own up! Good on him for sticking up for his worker, but it doesn't change the fact that it broke in their work shop. It's more his bad reaction and way of dealing with my complaint that I properly pissed me off the most.
Jun 22, 2:26am
re #50 They do. Well text English, lol. Been going there for over 15years, but now some new kid on the block runs the place. But not for long, clearly not management material.
Jun 22, 2:44am
shes pretty ashy, been dead a while now.
Jun 22, 2:48am
a bit off topic but anyway, had a customer with an old vk commy that needed the front lights sorted, we sorted them and just checked all lights worked front and rear, noticed the left tail light had a crack in it and leaking water in, made a note of it on the invoice and told the customer about it, he wasnt worried. 6 months later we get the commodore in again for a starter motor issue, fixed that up and the customer left happy as, day or so later he comes in grizziling about how we cracked his light and its got water in it. i was so happy that i had written it down 6 months earlier and i just printed the lights invoice and it was printed on there with it, he must of felt like a fool. havent seen him since, not sure if its a good thing or bad thing,
point is customers try us all the time, we just have to be vigilent in picking the stuff up and be honest about it
Jun 22, 2:59am
I will have a best working comparison with my column, here and now.
Jun 22, 2:59am
re#79 Yes, I know what you are saying. I used to work at a workshop in town, people tried all kinds of stunts but this is a genuine case.
Jun 22, 3:01am
Got a spare one!
Jun 22, 3:03am
was it a xy and earlier problem UJ! I give my coons death and have never had one go! this wagon I have as daily driver at the moment gets driven harder than my work truck. rally drives quite well actually, never had a problem shift! ( aside from the slip too far down and can't pull out of gear thing )
Jun 22, 3:05am
ahhhhhhh maybe! definitely for an xa, got rid of my xt I think I gave all of the older gear with it! dunno will have a jack nookie in the morning
Jun 22, 3:07am
you said it sister
Jun 22, 3:12am
Yep, an XA one will fit. XA's, Y's & W's all used the same hub. So I've been told.
Jun 22, 3:25am
I thought earlier was a narrower setup. learn something every day eh! sure to have something floating about. waiting for a rainy day to give the shed a good cleanout, will unearth some treasures then
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