Navman GPS

geedubu, Jun 21, 1:03am
Just bought a new Navman GPS to replace my old GPS, works a treat but the pronunciation & accent of the Aussie female voice crack me up.Not just the Maori street names - which are all hilariously wrong - but lots of others words.She sounds like a (bored) 19 year old checkout operator from somewhere in the deepest suburbs of outback Victoria.Worth every cent, will keep you entertained.

familiadude, Jun 21, 1:06am
mine is exactly the same cracks me up atleast once every trip without fail

mercbens, Jun 21, 1:11am
Wait until she tries to pronounce Clutha, lol

geedubu, Jun 21, 1:27am
She's pretty good with Wanganui.It comes out Whangernoo. She's in real trouble with the place names board. LOL.

geedubu, Jun 21, 5:04pm
Yes but why would you, this one gives you a laugh as well as directions

motorway, Jun 21, 6:38pm
Rem u e rira road
pronounces AYR st as "ay why are" st
kohee mara mara ra rd.

Set it to Italian for a real laugh.

geedubu, Jul 11, 10:57pm
I like the english words (too easy to blame her for maori) she does crowhurst as crarowhurts