Hey,Having issues with my alarm. Its an aftermarket mongoose alarm.I can no longer use the remote to lock/unlock the car.The batteries are fine (tried a new one).The alarm still works (light flashing on the dash, and siren works). Problem is that i can no longer drive me car! As soon as i turn it on the immobiliser goes off.
HELP please
Jun 6, 7:50pm
What model mongoose most have a valet option
Jun 6, 7:57pm
Man that sounds like a peice! Feel bad for you it must suck
Jun 7, 3:24am
Its from the M80 series
Jun 7, 4:05am
Maybe you have to sync it again!Try turning the ignition on and off 3 times(dont start it thou, just so the dash lights show and hold the green button or something Edit : Disarm by existing remote, or use the override Open the drivers door and leave open Turn the ignition ON/OFF 3 times ??
Jun 7, 4:09am
You should have a card with a pin no and instructions on how to bypass it It should of been supplied with alarm or car.
Jun 7, 6:49am
i have amongoose car alarm [crap]. its pissing me off so i am getting it removed on tuesday. i have a problem when every so often my car wont deactivate, you sit there getting irate and all of a suddenyou hear a beep beep sound, today my car would not start three times, first it took 40 minutes before it deactivated. the next i was lucky i only had to wait 5 minutes.
Jun 7, 2:44pm
Reprogramming didnt work. Alarm does still chirp - so dont think thats the issue. Cant start the car to take to the alarm shop - what can i do! The alarm was installed by the previous owner - i dont have the card.
Jun 7, 3:31pm
Get a mobile installer to come to you! The immobiliser will be switched on and off via a relay, The relay could be the problem or its the alarm thats not sending the signal to the relay, anyway If your feeling electrical savy today you could find the relay in question and try replacing it with a new 1 or just remove it and reconnect the ignition wires as per factory.
Jun 7, 7:00pm
Most alarms hat crap out are a result of a bad installation.
Jun 8, 2:33am
Well yeah doh, but the goal is to make it harder, most alarms will put off the average joy rider which is what your average thief is. Anything can be stolen if enough thought is done behind it, but the question is how far do you go!
Jun 19, 3:20pm
Gearlocks are just as crap.
Jun 19, 11:32pm
simple to by pass! cut the gear leaver off with bolt cutters then bend lock out of the way with a crowbar take less than 15 seconds. you are left with a short gear leaver but can drive it away.
Jun 19, 11:35pm
Gearlocks do not work they are a waste of money!
Jun 20, 12:28am
Sorry , i was not trying to spam . I just know that having a gearlock makes it much harder for theives to steal a car and everyone that wants to keep their car should have one .
Jun 20, 12:43am
Jun 20, 12:45am
mongoose are pile of crap alarms. i removed the non working crap from my punto. took me 30 secound to snip disable it lol.
Jun 20, 12:48am
Jul 10, 9:01am
Which was installed by the last owner him or herself in about the same time. It's the installation not the brand that deters the thief. Get any alarm properly fitted and you won't even FIND the alarm brain !
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