Car alarm help please.

petermcg, Jan 1, 4:06pm
Some one was trying to steal it maybe.

saxman99, Jan 1, 11:34pm
Check the fuse for the alarm.

If it blows and cuts the power off the alarm may "see" that as tampering and go off. However at this point with no power it relies on a small backup battery which will quickly go flat, sounding the alarm softer and softer until it gives up.

Worth a shot!

kiwiangels, Dec 30, 2:12am
So today i'm driving along and all of a sudden my car alarm starts going, I didn't knock the button on the keys or anything so not sure what caused it, but I couldn't turn it off, even turned the car off and pushed the button but nothing, son I turn around to start driving home and I can hear the alarm getting softer and softer then it just stops, scared to drive it now lol help please any ideas!

jason18, Aug 4, 9:01am
Battery inside alarm has died! What brand!