Rover 620 interference or non interference motor?

stepman69, Jun 11, 12:47am
A friend of mine has a '96 Rover 620 with a 2 litre petrol engine. I believe it's a Honda engine. The engine suddenly stopped & now when turning it over it turns over very fast like it's lost compression so I suspect the cambelt has broken. To give her an idea of whether it's worth repairing or not, does anyone know if these are interference or non-interference motors! Ta.

thunderbolt, Jun 11, 1:10am
A little digging with the help of Google:

Rover 820 16 Valve (M16 Engine) Timing Belt Failure.
Note:- Incorrect tension of the timing belt, can lead to the teeth lifting from the belt, resulting in belt failure, and subsequent major engine damage

Cylinder Head For Rover 620 :We are also able to supply used and reconditioned cylinder heads for all Rover 620 models. Sometimes when there is engine failure it is not necessary to replace the whole engine. In many cases if the timing belt has snapped then a replacement cylinder head will do the job, but getting a professional opinion first from a qualified mechanic would be the place to start.

It does not look good.

vtecintegra, Jun 11, 1:24am
Its a SOHC Honda F-series right!

In that case it *should* be non interference

stepman69, Jun 11, 1:38am
Thanks for the replies. The engine number starts with FZ20I so I guess this makes it F-series. That's great news then.

vtecintegra, Jun 11, 1:46am
I'm definitely not 100% on that or anything so don't go replacing stuff based on that post alone.

It does seem like valve damage can go either way with the SOHC F-series and there are a lot of subtly different variations

stepman69, Jun 11, 2:41am
That's cool. I'll ring Rover for her & hopefully they'll be able to confirm.

mgmad, Jun 11, 6:22am
All non-turbo petrol 620s were Honda engined, only the 620ti has the Rover T series turbo fitted (although all diesels were the Rover L series, as were Accords of the same vintage I believe, but very few of those made it here). I can't help much on the specifics of the Honda engine, sorry.

Kaz mate, seriously if you've nothing constructive to add, just don't say anything.