Paint job

andrew.kath, Jun 4, 4:58am
any 1 close 2 wanganui want 2 do a paint job on my d/cab ute
has 2 b a good job tho

gunhand, Jun 4, 5:03am
is 1800kms close.

toxicgreen., Jun 4, 6:36am
Real open question that.Are you lookin for bake oven two pac,or Laquer! Wat colour! Have you got paint or do you want painter to supply!Is it primed,or how much prep is needed!Wood you bring it to Hamilton!

faa_luke, Jun 4, 7:23am
Has to be a good job. no panel and paint shops nearby! A good job isn't going to be cheap no matter who does it. The fact you're using typing like that leads me to believe you want a good job done for "5hundy"

attitudedesignz, Jun 4, 4:38pm
Depends on how much $ you want to spend.

trogedon, Jun 4, 6:55pm
Come on, surely you??

saki, Jun 4, 9:37pm
Swap a paint job for their cortina.

rob_man, May 8, 5:18pm
It has a striped engine with pistions.
Apart from that it looks pretty good, haven't seen a MkIII for ages let alone a GT.