Anyone in Kapiti looking for some work? Motor bike

brodie64, Jun 1, 11:55pm
Looking for someone that can tune a scooter. It was running fine then I had the exhaust fixed and now its bogging down quite bad and does not have the same power that it did. Its an 88 Yamaha XRIVA 200cc thing. Goes really well when its running properly. Think it may be a carb issue! Trying to find someone working from home so im not paying $60 an hour for 2 hours just to find out the problem, TIA

berg, Jun 2, 12:39am
Where in Kapiti are you! I might be able to wander round for a bit of a lookie. Sounds like a carb full of rubbish or something disconected

brodie64, Jun 2, 1:03am
Hi, im down Waikanae beach. Happy to bring it round if your not close. Will have to be Friday or over the weekend (or when ever suits you best). I have had a look but draw the line at pulling carbs apart as I will never get it back together. You can contact me though my wanted listing if you like and we can go from there. Cheers

berg, Jun 2, 2:17am
Im also in Waikanae Beach. Have Friday off so if I get a chance I will flick you a text.

eddiedean, Jun 2, 2:26am
Isnt trade me great!

brodie64, Jun 2, 2:38am
That sounds awesome mate. I will make sure I have a couple of beers in the fridge. Thanks heaps. And yes eddiedean, it can be great indeed.

berg, Apr 30, 9:18am
Have just flicked you a text. Have a free morning today and can come round to see if I can shed ligh on the problem