Cheap classic anyone?

cjohnw, Jun 2, 12:00am

I remember my old dad had one of those. Bought it brand new, but had to have "overseas funds" to get it.

Someone's pride and joy!

lookoutas, Jun 2, 5:40am
I remember having one of those. Same year too - should have indicators just inside the tail lights.
But it didn't look like that. Had the 2" widened wheels done exactly that way. (Illegal to do them like that now - or at all!)

gunhand, Jun 2, 5:45am
Thats old time ricen you realise LOL. Geez everyones parents musta had one of those. Mother sold hers for $50.00.

trogedon, Jun 2, 6:05am

i-n-horz, Jun 2, 6:41am
Back in the day me oldest bro put one through the demo-derby.can't remember the outcome was around 40yrs ago.

howie69, May 1, 6:19pm
My Mates and I owned these as young hoons. We could change axles really quickly which screwed out if you did too many wheelies. One of our mates weakened them in a lathe at the hub so they were easier to extract. I was quite expert at this job. Also could change a motor with a flagon or two in an afternoon. Are boy racers today could learn a thing or two off the older hoons of days gone by. Had all the zephyrs but the MK1 was my favorite. Well thats a lifetime back now. Still hoon when it suits though.