Car alarm in vw wont stop!

bek83, Jun 1, 4:21pm
Please help.was away for a while so had to re-charge battery on my 96 vw when I got back, charged battery and put back into car but now the car alarm wont turn off no matter what I do.please help anyone!

intrade, Jun 1, 4:39pm
dont you have the alarm thingy remote! also most alarms have a switch under the dash somwhere to disarm the noise .check on horn it self if it can be turned silent and unplugged. for now.

intrade, Jun 1, 4:41pm
ps vwdont come with alarms so it be aftermarket junk that you got.!

johnf_456, Jun 1, 4:43pm
Yup thats what the title means a car alarm in a Volkswagen.

bek83, Jun 1, 4:47pm
I dont need to use it every day so yes it is a junkee car, but does the trick so thanks anyway for that comment intrade.I do have an alarm remote but that only stops it for 1 a minute or 2. Will check the horn, thanks.

intrade, Jun 1, 4:54pm
i said the alarm will be junk like most are. I choped the mongoose crap from my fiat as it was usless as and took me 2 minutes to disarm it with a wire cutter.

intrade, Jun 1, 4:56pm
find out what alarm it is and post here somone will know how to stop it bleeping . have you tryed disarming it and then starting up the car ! that should normally disarm it for good unless there is a fault like the crap one i removed.

johnf_456, Jun 1, 5:02pm
It may need to be re snyc'd again, any chance you know what model it is! Perhaps ring up a alarm installer or someone that specializes in the alarm you have.

elect70, Apr 29, 12:01pm
A hammeror wire cutters !