The Motoring Drama Thread

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antwerp87, May 24, 5:31am
For all things drama. To get it out in the air and to keep it off other peoples posts. So if you have an issue leave it here or use a tissue so we dont need to fill peoples questions with it :D

antwerp87, May 24, 5:33am
or as for_an_angel called it the sand pit.

jmma, May 24, 5:35am
Like the sands through the hour glass, these are the Days of our Lifes. (o:

johnf_456, May 24, 5:35am
You watch that show, had to goggle it to know what your on about.

kmw01, May 24, 5:37am
"goggle" it!PMSL

antwerp87, May 24, 5:38am
Now i got that song in my head dam it! dlllling ding ding ding ding. ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. ding ding.

for_an_angel, May 24, 5:38am
Young much lol

jmma, May 24, 5:39am
What I do in my private life is my biss, are you stalking me !(o:

johnf_456, May 24, 5:40am
I don't watch terrible shows like that, who does, even my mum doesn't

johnf_456, May 24, 5:41am
Not stalking just surprised you watch it.

antwerp87, May 24, 5:43am
I remember my mum watching it while I was home sick from school. Storyline still hasnt changed much. someone trying to kill someone. wanting a divorce. trying to steal someones baby. very topical when it comes to this thread DRAMA lol

jmma, May 24, 5:51am
lol Thats were I remember it from to, hope I wasn't home sick with you, are you my brother (o:
Never watched it, just putting some drama in the thread

antwerp87, May 24, 6:08am
My mommy said I was an only child and if anyone claimed to be my brother or sister to run away and yell RAPE

jmma, May 24, 6:13am
Well I was born on the back seat of a car, just to get it bak on Drama & Motoring (o:

sr2, May 24, 6:17am
The drama in my life (apart from race cars occasionally blowing up, occasionally running out of bourbon, occasionally having to mow the lawns and occasionally not catching fish) is having been sent to a private Catholic school as a child and having not been molested by the priests! What did my schoolmates have that I so obviously lacked! ??

jmma, May 24, 6:23am
Damn, you must be ugly (o:

antwerp87, May 24, 6:32am
I'm thinking this is a goood thread

sr2, May 24, 6:33am
Go on, rub it in!

jmma, May 24, 6:34am
Now thats what the other boys were saying (o:

sr2, May 24, 6:37am
I'm sure I read somewhere that thinking is bad for your health.

sr2, May 24, 6:38am
I'll take your word for it!

sr2, May 24, 6:39am
Fiat Multipla! (Looks at Jazz and sob's.Dad!).

sr2, May 24, 7:01am
LOL, how did you find out! I promise to never attack my "personal" in public again, despite the fact that I'm a consenting adult.

antwerp87, May 24, 7:44am
you may complain about anything

mrfxit, May 24, 5:10pm
LOL . OH I know the feeling.
Went to public schools & never had that happen, .
Got the usual nasty nick names but NEVER molested against my will .