Oh wow, you must really hate yourself. A Subaru and now a riced out E36.
If you like shit awful cars that have terrible economy, no power, and no usable back seating the E36 320i is for you.
Bonus points for the unpainted side skirts and all important falling apart headlining.
That car is over-priced by about 2500 bucks minimum.
May 26, 5:47am
See kane, you hate yourself. Life is over. lolol
May 26, 5:48am
That BMW is only worth $3500 MAXIMUM. Your subaru is obviously worth way more. If you want a BMW. Sell your car, and then buy a BMW, And pocket the spare $3000+
May 26, 5:51am
The s14 is pretty snazzy minus the aftermarket heat intake.
May 26, 6:05am
How much money are you spending!
May 26, 6:11am
Jazz, what kinda fiat could you get for that! Haha
May 26, 7:12am
why would you wanna downgrade! IMO just keep the B4. you should NEVER "upgrade" to an older car unless it's a classic.
May 26, 8:51am
Get a 7series Bmw.
May 26, 2:17pm
+1, and that bimmer is a BIG downgrade imo, No less heavy in fuel id imagine, and way less power, and the fun factor of the bimmer isnt too good with all its nanny controlls
May 26, 3:34pm
you must have been drunk at the pub talking over this deal lol
May 26, 3:43pm
We were definitely intoxicated one way or another. Any thoughts as to what he could go for though!
May 27, 1:41am
Seen some standard silvias for a decent price if thats what you are after. Could be best to start there and do any mods you want yourself. At least it won't have been already thrashed that way haha.
May 27, 2:46am
Buy what you want but that BMW would be jumping into the fire from the frying pan. Two schools of thought, Keep the B4, after all you now know it and what has been done to it (most sporty things you buy in that price range will need work or have been thrashed) or Think ahead and ditch the toy cars. Get something sensible and save your money for the more important things in your future. Me, I'd take (and have in the past) option two.
May 27, 3:05am
All good. I started spending way to much money on toy cars when I was younger but decided one day it just wasnt worth it. Sold the flashy car and brought my first house and have not looked back since. Brought a cheap but tidy car after a bit and have stuck with sensible but nice cars since
May 27, 3:08am
stay away from bmw's unless you have money toburn ,there is nothing wrong with a Sub B4 comfy reliable & they look good: ) I speak from experience I ditched my BMW and bought a Subaru B4 non turbo apart from needing new tyres soon its been great no problems .
May 27, 3:12am
why would you get rid of your B4 for something older anyway
Apr 8, 5:13am
Swap half of them kane. I'm ALLLGOOOOD!
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