What can happen if a car over heats

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franc123, May 20, 4:15am
Clearly none of you have driven a Mitsubishi FTO with a plastic tanked radiator core, having had one blow a head gasket and then explode the heater core, which incidently also does a nice job of filling the trans computer underneath it with water, spraying hot water onto the passengers legs and instantly clouding up the windscreen with antifreezy fog trust me it isn't funny.

bluecambridge, May 20, 4:15am

nz2293, May 20, 4:19am
itstrue i read about it on facebook

iron-maiden, May 20, 4:30am
thanks alot guys we new this is what happens just wanted some other peoples views so i can print this out
cheers :)

johnf_456, May 20, 4:32am
I have heard about those, nasty!

ferrit47, May 24, 1:52am
If it over heats & the water & oil get together you are in for bigbucks to fix it as it will blow Head Gasket.

flybye_in_a_rx7, May 24, 2:27am
they blew the car up knowing there was a fault so their problem.
should have towed it home knowing there was a fault and they were going that far OR simply keep a closer eye on the temp gauge

rob_man, Mar 28, 12:05pm
I knew someone who overheated their car and within two years the whole family was dead.