Recommendations required on cleaning products

freedreamz, May 16, 8:41pm
Work wants to start buying cleaning stuff for the tractors in bulk, ie 20lts at a time, looking at all the different brands ie pacer, autoshine, super shine, miguires (sp), can anyone recommend one or another and why!

audi_s_ate, May 17, 1:21am
Yep can vouch for that too. Also amazing for cleaning the shower plastic and glass:) Half the time and sweat than normal cleaning product and no terrible water marks - dont even need to towel dry. Well worth it.

pup2, May 18, 3:53am
Got some xt88 coming, looking forward to trying it out. Mind you, if this rain keeps up, i'll be driving through flood waters in the morning. That should move some of the mud

thejazzpianoma, May 18, 3:59am
When you say "tractors" I take it you mean the agricultural kind! Do you ever get any that are absolutely filthy with oil and much that take days to clean!

badcam, May 19, 12:49am
This stuff is amazing. I've been using it for a long time now. It really does put a shine on your paintwork like they say. It's great on my Alloys, and I've found that road grime doesn't seem to stick like it used to, so my gear takes a lot less effort to clean. Very versatile product. They make it here in Whangarei. It seems that you can also can buy it in Countdown now. I saw it in my local the other day. As you say TradingFreak, the feedback IS impressive. You don't see comments like that unless it's very VERY good. I won't buy anything else now.

noelsgimps, May 22, 6:33pm
I've tried lots in the past and use Pacer for quality and price.
Meguiars is very good too but very pricey.
Might try some of that XT88 now though as I am low on my Pacer "Grapewash".

tradingfreak360, May 23, 12:16am
Yea XT88 is up there with Meguiars, Mothers, etc. I buy the 5L pack and it lasts ages, its quite highly concentrated so you only have to use 1-2 caps in a bucket.

tradingfreak360, May 23, 12:19am
Forgot to mention.they say "no more waxing or polishing" with XT88, I would still recommend you wax your car even though XT88 makes the paint shine.

freedreamz, May 24, 3:00am
We have got a steam cleaner for doing the tough jobs, just looking for something for the weekly wash of the tractors, yes the agricultral type.

grangies, Mar 28, 9:59am
It's just as good as Grapewash. Maybe a little better.

It's good stuff.