Xtreme fuel treatment increase horsepower blah bla
Mar 30, 12:19am
What are your thoughts and opinions. I am not looking to use it. Info is lacking. Claims seem excessive. and do not add up
Mar 30, 3:11am
There are things like octane boosters that do work, people who hang out at motorsport clubs could tell you which ones are effective. You mix them into the fuel at a dose rate that makes them completely uneconomical as an alternative to just buying higher-octane pump gas (which is why no-one else bothers doing this) but in some circumstances they can help some highly-tuned race engines to run that little bit sweeter.
Any amazing snake-oil gizzmo that you plumb into your fuel lines to instantly gain 15% moar powaaa is highly suspect, especially if it claims to use "magnets" or "patented catalyst technology" or a piece of rhinoceros horn to chemically modify the fuel etc.
[Just ask yourself who's making the money. If you could get a lifetime of amazing power gains just from fitting & forgetting a $400 gadget into your fuel line, your car would already have one from the factory.]
Mar 30, 3:15am
the claims are 40c on every litre of fuel nz current price15% more hp %20 fuel saving http://www.xtremefueltreatment.co.nz/ I only interested it comes up where ever I look facebook spam ect seems like a marketing scam targeted at un knowledgeable people
Mar 30, 3:28am
Oh I see. have just read their website.
If it did all that, you would think they would sell it to BP or whoever for millions, as an additive for their standard pump gas!Instead of fannying around setting up some BS word-of-mouth marketing scheme, and filling a web page with vague talk of giant industrial companies (who they can't name) that are supposedly already using it.
Shift+delete on this one!
Mar 30, 3:33am
i was a test mule for this crap a few years ago. i drove the same track for a week so my fuel got the treatment. didn't make a ratshair of difference anywhere as far as i could tell. the exhaust was a different colour by friday but thats the only change i saw.
Mar 30, 5:37pm
Is this cr*p just Motor-Up or XR-1 jusr getting (yet another) make-over!
We ALL know that NZ is world famous for having shitty fuel and dodgy oil companies, but this looks like Slick-50 in drag.
Mar 30, 5:52pm
AND . is that really such a bad thing ;-)
Mar 30, 6:07pm
Well, Slick-50 was never anything it promised, and I have known more than a few who had engine problems after using it.
May 20, 6:51am
I sell the product and it does work. here is the history and science behind it. There is alot of crap out there that doesn't work. I won't deny that. Hope you guys have the time to read the info. Cheers.
What was the exact name of the product you used! XFT was not available to the public 3 years ago. But it has been sold in bulk to many international large commercial companys like PT pama & GE for about 16 years. approx 2 years ago it was released to the public in smaller quantities in the USA, it is now available in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, UK and most recently Puerto Rico and Italy.
Your right, but XFT is an additive and not a "device" There is a reason this product is patented and used by large industrial companys. It saves them serious $$ on fuel and maintenance costs.
its no a rhino horn thats in it its unicorn horn so it is all that much more rare and expensive
Mar 18, 11:46am
I have used a fuel additive occasionally over the years called Pro-Ma PT5. It seems to work and from reading the above info about XFT it is probably the same chemical or very similar with a different label. PT5 was developed by Bell Laboratories and has been tested independently too.
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