with the price of fuel i have taken particular note of milage recently.
It seems in the last couple of months (i exclesively use shell fuel) that efficency has dropped by at least 10-15% .
does anyone know if now shell is being rebranded "Z" if they have changed the fuel blend and are now pumping biofuel.
i have had the same results on 3 vehicles so it has nothing to do with tuning ect.
May 13, 5:38pm
shell used to be the worst crap lets hope they change the fuel. Try caltex that fuel has the best punch in my opinion for my cars.
May 13, 5:43pm
Which fuel did you use!
May 13, 5:50pm
well i dont know about that .it DID give way better ecconomy that 91 gull which i flagged over 12 months ago
Panda .using 91 .in car(s) and motorcycle(s) .same results .way better on shell suddenly dropped efficency "overnight"
May 13, 5:55pm
Wealman.thing is it has SUDDENLY dropped .just happens to coincide with rebranding excercise.susppicious eh
EG motorcycle was 52MPG now 44 MPG.notheing else changed .i use the motorcycle example becasue its a small tank so real easy to keep a check on ie fill exactly the same each time.
May 13, 6:05pm
My falcon runs mint on 91 but runs like ass on 95 or 98 bp branding and shell. Whats up with that!
May 13, 6:23pm
I think maybe it's the switch from summer fuel to winter fuel, have you tried filling up at non-shell service stations and extensively recorded results there too!
May 13, 6:38pm
always had crap mileage on shell 91 but yes it has got wose in the last month seen my car drop from 10l\100k to 10l\80k if im lucky and we only have 2 places to get fuel from here shell and mobil so going to try mobil on next fill up .
May 13, 7:41pm
Too hard to measure by filling and recording k??
May 13, 7:47pm
Ill agree with that on most engines, but i have noticed that Mobil's 98 is VERY good for Turbo engines, I prefer to use it even on my cars when i can get it
May 13, 7:49pm
i never get a good run out of shell on any of my cars or bike
May 13, 8:05pm
not yet .just twigged to it in the last few fills.
anyone know if shell/zed have changed "blend" in the last little while ,,,very susspect.
May 13, 8:11pm
it depends how many burn outs you do in that tankf ull.im $%%^^ing glad i sold my 318 it would be a realy have filling a Mopar now .specialy running a Holly haha .your lucky you can get a Mopar going at all on teh shit they pump.
May 14, 5:03pm
the difference between octanes isnt what the thread is about
May 14, 5:11pm
Nope its about the name change fish, but in saying that 95 is much better. Always run it in pretty much anything unless its designed for 91. But watch your speed if you decide to flog it.
May 14, 5:17pm
Ok mate will do, Always have run my cars on 95 but it was shit when I tried it. Will put a few tank fulls through and see how I go. Cheers.
May 14, 5:21pm
Yup but watch your speed.
May 14, 5:26pm
The Falcons have a self learning thing in the ECU which would of learned to run 91. As melissa said if ya run it for a while it will re-learn and will get better with the higher octane . or you could just Reset it if your near a Ford Dealer, would only take them no more then 5 mins to do
May 14, 5:46pm
Damn ya mean I have to give it a bit of a thrash! Bugger haha.
May 14, 7:10pm
How can this fuel be so bad , its all the samejust with their own octane booster in ( which is probably the same ). Refined at Marsden Point . Gull is only 1 imported direct now , Challenge (importeddirect )was a good fuel but is now Caltex.Believechecks are carried outperiodically on its quality .I run my M328 on shell & have occasionally tried BP &Caltexwith no discernible difference in economy or performance
May 14, 10:29pm
OP is saying a sudden change has taken place
hes Not talking about differences between octanes
Feb 19, 11:56pm
I road tested all the fuels some years ago, found Shell 96 (5) was best for my engine. I am still using fuel I bought a month ago with a 20c voucher. I fill the tank and a 20ltr container, normally around 85-90 litres. It'll be interesting to check this new stuff! Who reckons the 'Z' logo looks like an 8!
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