Took my classic in today it has knock off wire wheels and they said they could only balance the wheels on the car, something about not being able to 'centre' the wheel on the machine. Also had the same with my modern car ( Peugeot ) Do they only have machines to cater for wheels with studs!
May 11, 3:32am
How do they bolt to the hub! Just one big nut kind of thing!
May 11, 3:33am
Only thing I can see it being a problem would be if the centre bore of the rim will not fit their machine.
how do they balance the wheels with them on the car!
May 11, 3:36am
These are big companies so I would have thought they would have a large selection of spacers
May 11, 3:38am
Don't knowdidn't stay and watch
May 11, 3:38am
Some Peugeots and Citroens require stud-balancing, as there is no removable centre-cap. I do these frequently at work. Sounds like the shop doesn't have the right adapter for the shaft on their balancer. Or they don't know how, or just can't be stuffed.
As for wires, they can be a PITA to balance as I've yet to balance one that spins true. I have not seen an on-car balancer since I stopped using them in the early 90s.
May 11, 8:13am
they're talking shite- theyt don't have the right adaptor to balance wire wheels or balance your peugeot rims either by the sound of things. we do lots of them- no problem centreing with the right gear.
ask around tr register/ mg car club austin healey/ jaguar clubs see who they use.
May 11, 5:26pm
Can be done, I just don't know Palmerston North that well though
Feb 15, 11:02am
Firestone have stud adaptors in some of their stores.I know as i used to deliver and train all the guys on the various machines around the country for Firestone. Unfortunatey so many tyres shops are absolutly clueless as to how to balance wheels which one can do a simple test to see if they are trained or not.If they take the wheel and put it on the balancer first THEN put the tappered cone on afterwards ( on the outside of the rim) then they are unskilled and have never had the correct training.Most cases they get the job and learn from the guy before so you can imagine a tyre shop after 12 months having a minimum of eg: 10 staff changes due to the nature of the game how the lack of knowldge is passed on. The fundermental basics of wheel balancing is to simulate the wheel as close as possible to how it is in its normal environment! So does one put the wheel on backwards on a car! NO, so ask them why they do this on the balancer! The only reason is lazyness and speed.It takes time to do it correct way, then choose the correct plastic cup for the speed wing nut which pushes on the out side of the rim. This is the only and correct way and all manufacturers and tyre equipment designers and manufacturers will tell you this. It is so dissapointing that even the bigger tyre companies dont monitor this and keep the training up but when the managers dont know this either its a lost cause. So find a shop that has spent the money on the correct toold (stud adaptor) and you will be smiling.
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