Traffic lights are red. Theres two lanes, one with a turning left & a straight ahead arrow. The other with a straight ahead arrow.
Where do you stop if you are going straight ahead! Where do you drive if its a green light!
Jan 20, 12:53am
Sounds like both lanes to go straight ahead and drive to Timbuktu when green (o:
Jan 20, 12:55am
I know an intersection in town like this, I'd go into the straight ahead lane as courtesy to the people turning left. But legally it's up to you!
Jan 20, 1:13am
go to the lane with the least amount of cars. too bad if it's the left lane & they get an arrow first. the left turn cars behind you just have to suck it up. lifes not fair, get used to it.
Jan 20, 1:21am
The traffic idiots at the Auckland city council make sure life is not fair.
Jan 20, 5:35am
Depends where I'm going once I cross the intersection.
Jan 20, 9:19pm
Stupid way to mark the lanes.All traffic light sequences need to marry up to the lane markings and vice versa. There are several markings around showing straight ahead and right, but the right turn light is red when the left and ahead light is green.Dumb. Equally frustrating when the left turn arrow is green and straight ahead is red. Auckland is the absolute pits when it comes to allowing trraffic to flow, which is why your fuel consumption figures and air quality are so bad.
Jan 24, 11:44pm
Ok! Now what happens when theres only one lane on the other side of the intersection!.
Oct 28, 9:09pm
You merge.
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