Please comment on this Driving Test 'manoeuvre'.

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barrie2, May 11, 2:10am
Driving on main road, wanting to take first road on right so indicates a right turn. Car reaching top of the road you want to turn into (in effect a T junction) wants to turn right. Who has right of way! No road signs at all.

jmma, May 11, 2:14am
You do, they are on your right (o:

dent, May 11, 2:14am
I would say the first car has right of way as they need to get out of the way of traffic comming from behind them that wants to continue on.

fordcrzy, May 11, 2:16am
the first car SHOULD have right away as they are in the most dangerous position.of course common sense isnt in the road code.

crzyhrse, May 11, 2:18am
The vehicle coming out of the side road has right of way. It's the GIVE WAY rule.

If turning GIVE WAY to all vehicles not turning. Otherwise GIVE WAY to vehicles crossing or approaching from your right.

crzyhrse, May 11, 2:18am
You people wouldn't last a day on a motorbike.

crzyhrse, May 11, 2:20am
BTW it's called an uncontrolled intersection in that there are no signs or signals. Only the GIVE WAY rule prevails.

richardmayes, May 11, 2:29am
The other car has right of way.

The reason you are uncertain is because in 95% of cases that car would be on a give way or a stop sign, and if so you would have right of way.

carkitter, May 11, 2:59am
When in doubt, look at the painted lines on the road. If you have to cross a yellow line then give way to everyone. If you have to cross a white line, give way to your right. If there are no white lines in your path then you have right-of-way. If there are no road markings at all, give way to your right.

johnf_456, May 11, 3:04am
Yup. Give way to your right

bigracket, May 11, 3:12am
YIP, (clicks the like button).

bigracket, May 11, 3:13am
To the whole post above that is, not just Johns bit.

gunhand, May 11, 3:17am
It works like this.
Pedestrians give way to everyhing
Pushbikes give way to motorcycles
motorcycles give way to cars, trucks busses etc
cars give way to trucks, busses, trains etc
Busses give way to trucks (large ones) and trains
trucks give way to other trucks and trains
Trains dont give a fuck and give way to no one.
How simple could it all be.

carkitter, May 11, 3:22am
So I see you've driven in the third-world then.

gunhand, May 11, 3:27am
Na Just NZ. Pretty simalier here some days.

a18a, May 11, 3:32am
I like it

sw20, May 11, 4:08am
Chuck Norris disagrees with you.

pollymay, May 11, 4:09am
*glue to back window in case I die in an accident and the NZ police are having trouble figuring it out*

gunhand, May 11, 4:13am
Your probably right, Chuck norris will be about 102 now and drive a small late model automatic blue, silver or red car and give way to no one just like some do now.

barrie2, May 11, 3:57pm
Good replies. however when nana sits motionless looking at the endless queue of traffic stuck behind the car waiting to turn right from through road, her right indicator flashing away - who is going to make the move! Pupil takes initiative and turns right - nana still sat dithering - test failed. Load of crap - !

zirconium, May 11, 4:23pm
Yup. Test failed. Better luck next time. :( If you are looking for help, and not just sympathy, one thing that does usually work is for you to point directly at Nana (with a smile), then point firmly in the direction she needs to go. This will work in almost every case. Nana doesn't feel threatened, you have done nothing wrong, and you have helped traffic flow.

sallyjoy, May 11, 4:42pm
Agreed 2nd car has the right of way. but if often doesn't work, 99% of he time the first car (you) thinks he has the right of way. I ignore them and it results in lovely gestures.
and when car (1)when lurning left into a 2lane road and oppisite turn someone (2) is waiting to turn right into the same 2 lane road. 4 things happen.
-1 goes and go into either lane.
-1 goes and 2 sits there holding up traffic.
-1 and 2 goes and mr1 gets upset.
-and in 1% of cases they both go wave happily and carry on. I make a point of just going when tuning left in to a 2 lane road. If the car tuning right gets upset and does dramatic waving and yell i just smile poilitly.

i think the give way rules are fine. but we're gunna change them to the apply to the thickest munters out there.

gramma and speeling might be a bit off, just been up all night and had a sleeping pill for my all day slepp.there is 7 h's on this keyboeard at the moment. Drugs a re good mmmmmk.

richard198, May 11, 7:29pm
What about cows!
The govt. said they were going to change the dangerous "give way" rules in NZ about a couple of years ago (just like Labour did but didn't).
Anyone got an update on that!

bnhnmh, May 12, 1:33am
When Turning Right You Give way to your Right .

johnf_456, May 12, 1:34am
^ yes as per post 11 :)