N/A top fuel record ?

quickstitch, Mar 21, 7:17pm
i did try google but got nowhere fast. anyone know what the record is ! how far off is the Marsh car !

jasongroves, Mar 21, 7:20pm
Its in here somewhere.will try find it:

hamcouple4fun, May 4, 2:23am

attitudedesignz, May 4, 2:38am
N/A Top fuel.

Hasn't existed since the '70s.

quickstitch, May 4, 3:49am
well Marsh's car was bought from the states and it was run there.

attitudedesignz, May 4, 3:55am
Was it running NHRA, which i doubt, IHRA or some sportsman assc!

clark20, May 4, 4:05am

foxdonut, May 4, 6:23am
Yo mi p lude Tipe R smokez uz uld fulez. Spesh wen I werez mi hat bak 2 front an lowridez mi dada's yo.


mazzyz, May 4, 6:51am
Here we go again.

attitudedesignz, May 4, 5:52pm
I got it now.

Marsh's car is an A-Fuel car, not a Top Fuel car.

If it were in the US it would run in the Top Alcahol class/series against T/A dragsters (supercharged), but as it's N/A then it's permitted to run nitro'.

So as i said, N/A Top Fuel has not existed since the '70s.

marmatt, May 5, 2:35am
^ thought theywere alreay running nitro nut it was injected or blown

nitro is whats making the power, meth wont make that muh

audi_s_ate, May 5, 2:56am

* 432 cubic inch Hemi
* Billet Block and Heads
* Runs on 94% Nitro, 6% Alcohol
* Produces 4400BHP at 6200 RPM
* Produces 4800 Foot lbs./torque at 4900 RPM
* Ignition System has 2 x 44 AMP MSD Mags
* Engine has 32 Injectors = 8 for Alcohol and 24 for Nitro
* Fuel Pressure varies on the day, but on a high is at 490lbs
* Burns 6 litres fuel per second
* This A/Fuel Dragster can accelerate from 0-100mph (160kph) in 1 second
* This A/Fuel Dragster can accelerate 0-185mph (300kph) in 2 seconds
Wow that is fast when you look at it in those terms^

audi_s_ate, May 5, 2:57am

These Nitro Engines are started on Alcohol and once they reach a certain temperature it is switched over to Nitro.

If you try to start it on Nitro watch out "DUCK", especially A Fuel Engines as they are 14 to 1 and a Top Fuel is only 6.5 - 7 to 1.

Once the A Fuel Dragster has completed its pass on the track and the motor is shut down, then the procedure starts: -

1. Driveshaft removed before Dragster is towed back (if the driveshaft was not removed and the motor turned over it would blow a cylinder head off)
2. Once back in the pits, all 16 Spark Plugs are removed, and all fuel lines removed off the engine, and blown out with air
3. Engine is spun over to pump out excess Nitro
4. Failure to follow this procedure would have catastrophical results (ie some USA based teams have spun the engines over and blown a cylinder head clean through their transporters)

ginga4lyfe, May 5, 3:09am
No neutral on the boxes! also, doesnt seam right as they are running with that same compression so why blow the heads off when NOT running!

ginga4lyfe, May 5, 3:10am
also. 14:1 ratio isnt high, considering deisels are higher

snowballs4, May 5, 3:11am
Burns 6 litres fuel per second wow i feel poor looking at that lol

marmatt, May 5, 1:16pm
how much fuel do they usehere try thislinkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch!v=xGTbQuhhluY

scotthurst01, Jan 16, 6:50am
Yeah, but do diesels reach temps of over 3000°C!