cfs, Apr 14, 3:15pm
Being held in Timaru over Easter weekend. Car show on the Saturday, Sohpia Street carpark, 10am-3pm

mig5, Apr 18, 1:11am
got any links to websites or whathaveyou!

cfs, Apr 18, 3:04pm
Hi Mig5. It's being run by Timaru Falcon Fairlane Club. (Their website being updated tonight timarufalconclub.co.nz).

Scotty - I admire your enthusiasm, but only if you want it reduced to a pile of scrap.

sifty, Apr 20, 3:15pm
Sure, esp if it has a Falcon engine.

hotrodtodd1, Apr 20, 4:14pm
Of course you can Scotty. Just put some V8 Supercar stickers on it and then they all look the same anyway.

neal, Apr 25, 6:49am
thanks guys for not updating the site to say YOU WOULDNT BE AT LEVELS! until after we had driven all the way down there

goose13, Apr 26, 1:00am
Yea shame about levels track day but there is one coming up for aussie muscle cars.show was good and nice mix of cars.

cfs, Apr 27, 1:16am
Neal - when did we ever say we would be at levels during the show weekend!

cfs, Apr 27, 1:18am
The muscle car day (21 may) isn't just for Aussie Muscle Cars, american cars can enter too. Entry forms/info on www.timarufalconclub.co.nz

neal, Apr 30, 1:56am
it was on your web site but changed later in the day. we went to the I site in Timaru and they had already had several people that had thought you were at Levels on Sunday. a bit of a mix up somehow. we still got to see all the cars as they roared past us in the other direction as we headed home.

cfs, May 2, 2:28am
Sorry Neal. I do the website and it didn't say we would be at Levels during the "nationals" weekend. You may have confused that with where it states we run at levels each year during our "local" show weekend. Anyway, I'm sorry you came down and missed seeing the cars, either at the show or at Levels. We are running the muscle car day at Levels on 21 May, and will be at levels later in the year (details of the latter event will be on the website in a few weeks).

neal, Jan 5, 12:15pm
no problem, it was a nice day for a drive and the coon hadnt been out of town for a year or so and we did see a lot of the cars, going in the other direction. hopefully make it down there again for the 21st