Yee Haw Thats Ma Idea Of A Truck : Red & Neck!

marcos1, Apr 28, 1:37am
Kinda cool and intimidating .lol

zephyrheaven, Apr 28, 2:30am
Couldnt imagine a cop pulling out a step ladder to have a look at the rego anyway

i-n-horz, Apr 28, 2:48am
Rego!.Emissions!.Get rid of that Harley rubber mat and she'll be all good ta go ;)

grangies, Apr 28, 2:50am
Looks like one of those Toyota's that the Top Gear Team took to the North Pole.

extrayda, Apr 28, 3:06am
Thats cool.Definitely a man size truck.Might not like the gas consumption though.

greghale, Apr 28, 3:10am

matarautrader, Apr 28, 4:24am
This thread belongs in "environment" They will be able to tell you how green your red truck is.

unclejake, Apr 28, 4:35am
Lol Zeph. David Blackmore at his least subtle

gmnshprd, Apr 28, 4:36am
No, just trailers being towed by a truck

ryans, Apr 28, 4:37am
The problem is, anyone driving that will look like a complete idiot, small penis jokes galore.

pge, Apr 28, 4:49am
The only ones with the "penis" problem would be the ones with NO penis, in the first place.

bowla3, Apr 28, 4:54am
Love it!

johnf_456, Apr 28, 4:55am

trogedon, Apr 28, 5:44pm

dr.doolittle, Apr 28, 5:50pm
You should have just stopped there.

mrfxit, Apr 28, 6:07pm
LOL ummm . no comment

mrfxit, Apr 28, 6:08pm
Pretty wicked for a road train, tho , doubt he could do that loaded

trogedon, Apr 28, 6:43pm
You Geographist.

extrayda, Apr 28, 8:50pm
I think the whole 'small penis' thing was probably invented by guys who drive little cars ;-)As far as I am concerned, it's not what you drive, but how you drive it that defines what you are like.I've owned everything from an 1166cc 1976 Corolla Wagon (had lots of fun in that!) to a 7800cc big block Ford XA Fairmont. Also fun.I drive what I like (or can afford at the time).I don't choose any car based on whether it will impress anyone but me.If someone wants a big car, that doesn't worry me - do people with big houses also supposedly have a small di$% !

richardmayes, Dec 23, 12:44am
Wow, what an expensive, powerful, useless thing. Someone's really put a lot of effort into that, I suppose there's no accounting for taste.

Now this thing here is a far cooler viper-engined truck.