Who uses their phone as their primary GPS?

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thejazzpianoma, Apr 16, 7:21pm
I really have to stop bombing your threads.

im_andrew, Apr 16, 7:24pm
Are you sure its not a fault with your navman! All of our drivers use navmans and tomtoms on the dashes of their coaches and they work fine.

Also, that sounds like a really big bendy bus for only $300k, is it chinese!

thejazzpianoma, Apr 16, 7:25pm
Bah! Im back. last post honset!
Just had one other thought. Bear in mind I have not checked this out personally but it might be worth looking into.
With the Iphone a lot of the advantage is in the hardware, accessories and repair parts etc.
In my travels I have heard of people running android on their iphone. Its perhaps an option worth looking into as it may give you the best of both. There is also a linux platform being developed as well from what I remember.

johnf_456, Apr 16, 7:26pm
Wonders if jazz will keep to his word

thejazzpianoma, Apr 16, 7:33pm
Nah. you know I can't help myself!

thejazzpianoma, Apr 16, 7:37pm
Definitely a mythbox could be just the ticket for you, well worth checking out. Not sure if you get UHF freeview where you are but if not there are now dual sat tuners that are really good.
I am just running mine on a low power usage and cheap to buy atom motherboard I had lying around and its working great.
Potentially I guess you could run asterisk in the background on the same machine. There is also linuxmce which combines the two but has tradeoff's if all you really want is mythtv + phones.
Give us a yell sometime if you want to look into it, I might be able to help you avoid re-inventing the wheel.

intrade, Apr 16, 7:47pm
i got my one from europe its got android 2.1 on itthe tutchscreen is heat sensitive so you cant use a pen like you can on a iphone or a older type motorola linux phone that is the only thing i noticed needs getting used to as to what point of the finger . I paid 400$ for it .

jason18, Apr 16, 9:17pm
Nothing wrong with the chinese buses. The chinese will control the world one day

jsbike, Apr 16, 9:27pm
nokia 5230 from dick smith. $199 gets you the phone that does gps, a car charger, a windscreen mount for the phone to use as a gps and a nokia bluetooth handsfree kit. The only thing I find is the phone is very hard on its battery when using as a gps if its not plugged into the car chager.

jsbike, Apr 16, 10:59pm
I just got my 5320, if you ask for a place thats not in its memory it will search online to load a map for where you are or want to go etc, that will cost. so I downloaded (free) the whole of nz (20.8mb) and australia (168mb) with the software that comes with the phone. Then I just re-set the internet connection to "offline" in the gps settings. now it only loads up maps from its memory rather than searching with the internet. Seeing the whole of nz is now in its memory, I dont need to have any cell coverage for it to work.

intrade, Apr 16, 11:26pm
they use the network info . my phone can have the other navigation also it uses internet data up then for navigation but my nuvifone is a full gps navigation from garmin and asus cellphone. no phone coverage required on nüvifone.

henderson_guy, Apr 16, 11:56pm
I have an Ideos, its brilliant. Free on a 24month plan with 2degrees, retail is $300. Battery life isnt as flash as i would like, but i've had to use it a few times as a Hiab driver needing to go to residential and commercial building sites in the BOP and Waikato, and had no issues with it. Again, a charger wouldn't go amiss and I know a lot of coaches have a 12v lighter socket for the drivers cellphone, 4wheeler bendy has to be Bayes, right!

Edit: forgot to mention, its cabable of up to a 16mb Micro-sd and comes installed with Google maps and Google Navigator.

jcs4, Apr 17, 12:17am
I have an Ideos, and yes it works fine as a GPS except for two issues. you will need a data plan to use it for navigating. (and that costs money) and the second is there is no real voice directions, you will need to squint at the cellphone screen fairly often to see where to go.

oh and you will need a car charger, but these are available for peanuts on trademe.

my advice is that if its for anything more than occasional use when lost/confused then get a dedicated navigation system, not a mobile phone

jcs4, Apr 17, 12:19am
not sure which Ideos you have, but mine can take 32gb micros-sd cards, and yea it has some good software on it
the WIFI and standard sized headphone plug are nice bonuses too

spacies_nz, Apr 17, 12:45am
BTW, you can get software for Androids that don't need a data plan and run satellite only. They do cost a few bucks though. Google Navigation, like I mentioned before, is free but uses a small amount of data. Youtube it for info. The best thing about having it on your phone is that it doesn't matter who's car you are in, you have a GPS in your pocket. Cheers.

henderson_guy, Apr 17, 1:01am
My apologies, you are right! I was going by memory, obviously my memory wasn't as good as i gave it credit for!

michael.benn, Apr 17, 1:12am
Get the cheap IDEOS. $200 ish, has GPS and works well as a music player. Or even maybe a Galaxy 580. I dunno.

khairul23, Apr 25, 2:35pm
Just got mine from DSE. The voice navigation is right out of the box. I am impressed with the other functionalities as well. It's a huge upgrade from my HTC Wizard, and for a fraction of the price!

zephyrheaven, Dec 10, 9:49am
I bought an Iphone4 about 2 months ago & its magic, google mapping is very powerful - good deals on plans via Vodafone at present - think I paid $199 for the handset with a $60pm plan (I usually tear thru about $100 of calling anyway so it makes sense) simple & easy to use (hey its american designed right! - wouldnt want to make it too baffling for them 8P)