Hydrogen fuel cells "fizz bombs"

missmaverick1, Apr 20, 1:57am
Does anyone have a link to website that explains how to put one together! Or know them self. All i can find are ones to make electricity.I am wanting to make one to make hydrogen to put in car to help with fuel economy. I know that there is a lot of videos for them on youtube but it here in the forgotten part of the country we barely have dial up (its ridiculously slow) so loading a video just doesnt happen.

bigfatmat1, Apr 20, 2:30am
A hydrogen fuel cell converts chemical energy from a fuel into electric energy. There is no fuel cell that creates hydrogen.
If it is a hydrogen jar thing with water and it makes hydrogen you are talking about. http://fuel-efficient-vehicles.org/energy-news/!page_id=927

Good luck imo it is a waste of time and money costs gas to make hydrogen.Any claims are load of poo

ema1, Apr 20, 2:34am
Don't be standing around puffing on a fag though!
FiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzBoooooom !

missmaverick1, Apr 20, 2:43am
i diss agree, i did a science fair project when i was younger and connected a little 9vlt battery to probes in a jar of water of some sort. it bubbles and you catch the bubbles. the bubbles where hydrogen and flammable. I also know that we a friend of mine did a crude test of measureing fuel used with without the fizz bomb in place and there was a significant difference with the fizz bomb. Someone made it for him but for what ever reason he wasnt very keen on helping us make one

cuda.340, Apr 20, 2:57am
i have a friend who is road testing his version of nitrogen injection. the big failure for him at the present is the water cell is falling apart from the pulses. he's tried various cells made from ali to carbon to titanium but they fail somewhere in the 90 days mark. but when they run they go well as a fuel conservative, they're just gutless on their own climbing hills.

sr2, Apr 20, 3:31am
Go for it mate it works believe me, I??

bigfatmat1, Apr 20, 3:31am
around 1/2 a hp to make ya bubbles you would need to be increasing powermore than that to make it economical. but hey you already no how to make one cause you have already done it. Also legally as an alternate fuel you will need Lvv cert.Try it for ya self and see.

sr2, Apr 20, 3:41am
Bigfatmat is obviously an employee of a multinational Oil company!

bigfatmat1, Apr 20, 3:49am

Just putting the facts out there

sr2, Apr 20, 3:53am
I guessed it; I suppose you??

bigfatmat1, Apr 20, 4:09am
What electric car! there was never any electric car

sr2, Apr 20, 4:22am
LOL, you're just comfirming my worst suspicions.

les37, Apr 20, 2:53pm
www. hydrogenator.us

crzyhrse, Apr 20, 5:36pm
Clearly there are few people here well acquainted with the laws of physics.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 20, 6:31pm
missmaverick1 HHO generators are definitely a waste of time, you certainly will have measured combustible hydrogen from one and possibly a temporary fuel milage increase but overall they break the fundamental laws of physics in terms of increasing economy and as a result in practice don't work.

To clarify further there is some gain to be had from burning a mix of hydrogen and petrol that improves combustion but you never tend to make up the losses from producing the hydrogen in the manner you suggest.

Now, all that said. Your end goal seems to be improving fuel consumption. If you want I am happy to give you some ideas for vehicle modification projects that will actually give you a proper increase in economy and are easy and cost effective to produce.

Well done on looking into this stuff, just make sure you are sorting the junk science from the real stuff.

elect70, Apr 20, 9:51pm
You dont get something for nothing , it requiresenergy to produce the hydrogenmore than what you makeas converting 1 form of energy to another incorporates losses . If making it via car's batterythen the power need to charge it has to come from the engine .Even making it via electrolisis from mains still requires more energy than is produced . A lot of work is going into fuel celltech , the supply of compressed hydrogen & weightof storage tanks&rangeare few of theproblems

crzyhrse, Apr 21, 3:16am
I'm having trouble imagining that. What drugs do you think those that can are taking in order to do so!

bigfatmat1, Apr 21, 4:15am
A tune up is always a good start replace those filters dirty oil worn spark plugs. Get the timing checked if adjustable make sure your car is operating at the correct temp and has antifreeze check tyre pressures and wheel allignment. Replace your o2 sensor every 80000 or at least get it tested by someone with a 02 sensor tester or scope.not only will these improve economy will lower the chance of failure exspensive repairs and make ya car last longer. Oh and go easy on the pedal if ya concerned about gas constant speed.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 21, 4:55am
Good advice!

Some other ones that also actually work, the effectiveness and suitability depends on the vehicle.

* Fit an intelligent air conditioning controller. Its primarily designed to cut off your A/C at times of peak engine demand but it will improve economy when your A/C is running by quite a margin.

* Fit a proper electronic shift and driving aid. I don't mean a glorified vacuum gauge but something that will monitor your MAP, 02 and TPS sensors to give you a properly accurate picture of the most economical driving style for your vehicle.

* Do some research on your particular cars ECU and what functions and programs it has with relation to economy and emissions. Often these can be tweaked quite cost effectively and surprisingly easily for economy.

* If your car is designed to run on 91 given the minimal extra cost for 95 or 98 (on a percentage basis) consider tuning your car for taking advantage of higher octane fuel. Sure you can't easily increase compression but you can often easily adjust ignition advance to make better use of high octane fuel.

* Depending on your engine and EGR system you may find that you can alter its operation to operate more during times when you are operating with just a small throttle aperture and achieve a fuel economy advantage.

* You may be able to run your tires with a little more pressure than standard and achieve more economy. Just don't go too far and upset handling or tyre wear.

* In conjunction with some suitable tuning fitting a less restrictive exhaust (and intake for that matter) can potentially give some improvement in economy.

* Check operation of all vehicle sensors and appropriate fuel trim by using some appropriate OBD2 software and an adaptor for a laptop.

Some of these suggestions require a bit of knowledge and require some care so if anyone is interested let me know if you are not sure of how to go about these modifications or the potential pitfalls. Definitely modify at your own risk!

gsimpson, Apr 21, 5:14am
The snake oil merchants always pop up when there is a rise in fuel prices. Ready to prey on people who think they can get something for nothing.

pollymay, Apr 21, 5:24am
Turn it into a 6 stroke, should be easy brah

crzyhrse, Nov 25, 10:49am
I realise that. I wasn't referring to you.