Nissan primera gearbox

hondalova, Apr 13, 4:49am
hi there. i have a 1991 p10 primera. i have just noticed tonight that in 4th gear cruising or full throttle it whines. what is the problem! also it does the same under full throttle in first.

ming24, Apr 13, 7:03pm
Most likely the bearings.With a car like yours it's not worth fixing as the value of the repairs will far exceed the value of the car.Just keep driving it until it dies.

johnf_456, Apr 13, 7:16pm
Not really if you know someone that is clued up with cars a gearbox swap is not to hard, get another box from a wrecker.

ming24, Apr 16, 4:19am
Yes you can do that but if you are buying second hand, you could be buying into problems.A gearbox from a wrecker may have a limited warranty and then crap out after the warranty period finishes.

johnf_456, Apr 16, 4:30am
Yes its a gamble but gearbox full rebuilds / re con are very pricy. I have got gearbox from pick a part before and they are still doing fine 3 years later.

vtecintegra, Apr 16, 5:21am
Investigate what other cars boxes from will work too.Bluebirds and Pulsars can come with similar drive trains and there are usually tonnes of the at pick a part.

johnf_456, Nov 6, 10:13am