My Heart Bleeds For Car Salesmen

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zephyrheaven, Apr 9, 1:59am
Im selling this old Fiat via a customer, guy & his son pick it up today & take it to their pet mechanic - come back with a list as long as my arm (down to lock knob missing LH door / coolant green not red et al) & say it will cost $1500 to bring it up to speed
Um - cheers, screwed up their paperwork - told him he owed me $10 Diesel & $20 for lost labour while he stood there telling me how many defects my 18 year old car had

You guys, I take my hat off to you

Mind you - had some goon offer $3000 for it sight unseen later on, so it aint all bad

Green antifreeze instead of red LOL - I spat my cigarette out at that one

rlr29, Apr 9, 2:03am
Sounds like a heap of shit.

johnf_456, Apr 9, 2:06am
The car sounds like a piece of crap, but I guess to one man its treasure and the next its not. But whatever has I have not seen the car in person. No offense but you sound a little arrogant.

phillip.weston, Apr 9, 2:15am
Yep I hear ya. pretty keen to get out of the game, sometimes I really can't stand 'customers'.

sifty, Apr 9, 2:16am
I reckon two blokes saying something is a pile of crap without even seeing it is the height of arrogance.

johnf_456, Apr 9, 2:18am
Well just the attitude of charging someone because the buyer realised it was not the car the seller thinks it is. Just like these people that charge 100 bucks to view car / take for a test drive and they demand a donation to some charity. Happens all the time, good to one person but not good to someone else hence saying "But whatever has I have not seen the car in person."

phillip.weston, Apr 9, 2:19am
If you knew James in person you would know that it's the complete polar opposite. He is without a doubt a really great guy and just a genuine all round GC.

He had every right to be arrogant, it isn't even his car and he's doing a favour for a customer selling it on their behalf, fair enough a car has faults but when dealing with something 18 years old you need to be prepared for that and not expect the world from the seller. I'm exactly the same, if I know a customer is being a pedantic prick I tell them so, I'm not a big fan of this 'the customer is always right' bullsh*t. I'm straight up and honest and it seems to work well for me more than trying to be a typical 'everything's A-ok' shark dealer.

johnf_456, Apr 9, 2:20am
Well reading it on here sounds arrogant the attiude, yes cars have faults but the attitude. Screwing up the paper work and demanding money, could be like I'm sorry the car is not what you thought it was then move on and enjoy your day.

sw20, Apr 9, 2:25am
You must be one of them john. The kind of guy who wants the new car warranty on the 20 year old $3000 car.

johnf_456, Apr 9, 2:27am
Nope I don't not at all common sense, just the attitude that is all. If car dealers carried on like that they would have no business screwing up paper work in front of customers and demanding money.

So if a customer is not happy you screw up there paper work do you and demand money rather than talk about it kindly. Lot of business advertisement is purely word of mouth as you probably know.

jason18, Apr 9, 2:29am
He isnt a car dealer tho.

johnf_456, Apr 9, 2:31am
Same principal no matter what business, treat a customer well or even potential customer well and they will do the same. A read somewhere once a good customer only tells a few people but a bad one will tell 10+ people plus on average.

intrade, Apr 9, 2:33am
uhhhhh oh darn all my cars have green antifreeze i am screwd lol

nathanmac, Apr 9, 2:36am
Since when has the colour of antifreeze been cause for complaint on an 18 year old car!That strikes me as beyond arrogant and a bit pathetic to be honest - why waste everyone's time!Obviously they wanted the car for next to nothing or they wouldn't have wasted their own time and just walked away and said no thanks.If someone started the 'haggling' process like that with me, I'd probably do the same as Zeph.

Makes note to check antifreeze colour next time i buy a clunker. can't drive a POS with clashing coolant!

johnf_456, Apr 9, 2:38am
Yeah I'm doubting the person buying the car being an idiot as we know, but personally if I had an idiot I'd just say sorry its not the car for you and move on. Not have a tanty, just light up another smoke you will be fine.

zephyrheaven, Apr 9, 2:39am
John, I double dare you to come & call me arrogant to my face next time youre in Chch - I know you do frequent trips here, every single person Ive met in my life Ive got on Ok with - its part of my nature, people that come in expecting something that isnt going to meet their expectations however! They dont get an ounce of my sweat

Come on down anytime your ready

johnf_456, Apr 9, 2:41am
I will do, so if arrogance is not screwing up paperwork and demanding money in tanty way what is it then. Has I said before why not just say sorry its not the car for you and move on, its simply not worth the stress mate. If I did that every time I had a customer I would not have any. Put it this way it could of being handled better, is that how you treat all your customer who you don;'t get on with!

If you carm down and have a good hard think about I think you will see it has being a little over the top. There was no offense intended and I apologize personallybut personally I do not treat any potential customer that way in fear of them bad mouthing a good business. Has I believe word of mouth is what keeps a business going and best of all its free. So there is no need to have a tough guys attitude and trying to intimidate others, over the top.

So rather than screwing up paperwork and demanding why didn't you just say I'm suprised / sorry the car is not the car for you and leave it as that. Neutral and happy, we all have our bad days and make mistakes. But admitting when your wrong is another matter.

xs1100, Apr 9, 2:44am
must say after 25 yrs in automotive trade theres a reason i prefer to deal wholsesale (to car dealers) its called retails customers being unrealistic/and generally just unbearable.i let my guard drop have dealt with a retail customer who has now txt me at 8.00 on a friday to tell me their brake light on 1 side dosent work.i men hello im drunk and your jap import bulb has finally died get over it.hahaha

rlr29, Apr 9, 2:47am
I just read the first line about it being a fiat.

Here, Have a weekend.

zephyrheaven, Apr 9, 2:56am
Miss the point much, Im doing my customer a favour here (thankless work, oh thats right!) I dont need some git in a 20 year old Citroen telling ME what kind of problems the potential (and cheap) 18 year old car Im selling has

OK maybe I got off my bike - it not my nature but it steamed me up

I have a wonderful customer base, thanks - I dont need anyone like these two

johnf_456, Apr 9, 3:00am
Okay fair call, good to see you admitted it and once again my apologize no hard feelings!

I just said that as I personally who have had customers have back stabbed my business because they were dumb enough to drive a car with the oil light. So I do know what one potential bad person can do, but time moved on and I recovered especially when you start off in a small town. But yup old cars are far from being perfect its just a matter of working through it and determine if the end result is worth it. Once again I apologize.

zephyrheaven, Apr 9, 3:00am
Ha ha, I never give out my personal cell # - I have a work one thats full of "are you open tomorrow" (its tuesday FFS! DUHHH) and "can you do a WOF tomorrow" at - get this, 1.30am, and people wonder why I leave the cell at work

johnf_456, Apr 9, 3:01am
Where you have people you have problems as they say.

zephyrheaven, Apr 9, 3:04am
I did like it how they looked down their nose at me (mechanic) while toting on about University education, I asked what he was studying - Social Science - Oh, I did that for 3 years, just have to finish a couple of papers to get my BA - I realised that I actually wanted money & job security so I quit to persue my true love

Maybe I offended them ! Ha

johnf_456, Apr 9, 3:05am
BA degree say no more.