Hey Swivel, found a new scooter made just for you

mrfxit, Apr 9, 4:12pm
Should look pretty cool getting around the shop on that ;-)

LOL ,.Imagine running up town on it to do a service job

guest, Sep 26, 12:43am
Depends upon where you are going to use it. Most electric bikes have a lietimd range before a re-charge is needed (I think up to about 60 miles) and a lietimd speed. If you're going to be on an open fast road then i'd opt for a scooter which will give you enough oomph to get yourself out of trouble. In areas of pedestrians electric scooters can be a nightmare because people can't hear them coming. Also consider what plug the electric scooters might come with, where can you plug it in. Whilst i'm all for electric as a means of reducing pollution, i'm not sure any city is yet set up for them. In London UK the first electric re-charging points have gone in in Westminster and electric scooters can still park for free (unlike motor scooters).

guest, Sep 28, 5:15am
Foods low in chrtosleeol and trans-fats. You'll find two types of chrtosleeol, LDL Low-density lipoprotein and HDL High-density lipoprotein LDL is the poor chrtosleeol that builds up within the arteries causing coronary heart disease along with a leading cause of heart attacks. Foods high in LDL are those that contain tran-fats, such partially hydrogenated oil. HDL will be the good chrtosleeol that has been shown to scrub the arteries of the plaque build-up that impairs excellent flow of blood by way of the body. Foods high in Niacin Vitamin B are naturally high in HDL. Triglycerides is both HDL and LDL. You should have high HDL and low LDL. See your doctor for a chrtosleeol test to see how much LDL and HDL is in your blood, particularly should you suffer from erectile dysfunction.

guest, Sep 28, 10:57am
Rachel wrote me by email:It is also linked to Arthritis. I have found that when I frvgioe and release it to the LORD, that I do not have the gout flareups as often. SO TRUE, Rachel. Thanks for sharing!