What fuel to use ?

michael.benn, Apr 4, 3:12am
Owner said he used to use 98. also said 91 will be fine.

It's a 1996 Honda Accord VTI sedan, 2.2 Litre .Would 91 be okay !

Or next time I fill it up should I use 98 !

tuttyclan, Apr 4, 4:19am
I have a 1997 VTi auto.
91 is ok but I find it runs smoother on 95,gets more kms out of a tank and I find with city driving the auto stays in a higher gear longer under light acceleration which adds to better economy.
To top up the tank at around 50 litres 95 octane gives me around 50km more per tank at about 7 cents a litre more than 91 so roughly $3.50 more to buy than 91 but you get at least 50km more.$350 does not even buy 2 litres of 91 and 2 litres of 91 wont take you 50km.

flybye_in_a_rx7, Apr 4, 4:25am
interesting, have you calculated this accurately. or did you go by the fuel gauge

sr2, Apr 4, 4:36am
You might be getting out of your depth there RX7 mate. Best you don't use the fuel gauge; the easiest way is to just top the tank up, drive until you??

tuttyclan, Apr 4, 4:36am
I always take note of litres used and reset the tripmeter everytime I fill up.

mugenb20b, Apr 4, 4:43am
We have a '96 Odyssey with the same engine, and it runs a lot better on 95 octane than 91.

michael.benn, Apr 4, 5:16am
Cool thanks guys, will use 95/96/98 whatever the hell they're using these days.

Using 91 won't have hurt the engine at all though would it !

tuttyclan, Apr 4, 5:49am
No 91 wont hurt the engine.
Honda recommends a minimum octane rating of 91.
I wouldn't bother with 98 octane would only be good for turbos.

jasongroves, Apr 4, 6:13am

a18a, Apr 4, 6:55am
This would probably be true soon.

tuttyclan, Apr 4, 2:41pm
In my owners manual.

tuttyclan, Apr 4, 2:43pm
$ 3.50 but yeh $350 probably not far off.

spead, Apr 4, 3:10pm
you want to pay more then go for it.

mugenb20b, Apr 5, 1:43am
Well, it's worth paying more if the engine runs better. This is not the case with all cars, but if it's just an old shitter, then it's not worth it.

henderson_guy, Oct 2, 11:56am
You mean, pay more at the pump for a fuel that will take you further, therefore costing you less!