Ohakune Hill climb. 16km of driving anyone competing

twink19, Mar 31, 2:41am
16km of driving. anyone competing

intrade, Mar 31, 2:52am
what do you mean! are you going up mount ruapehu! and what 4

paul271, Mar 31, 3:43am
Wanted to, but entry fee was too steep.

1ollie, Mar 31, 4:15am
A couple of mates were keen to enter but the entry fee is rediculos & killed that idea for them and I have heard the same story from a few other people lately.

1ollie, Mar 31, 4:16am

ola_bitchola1, Mar 31, 4:27am
knew alot of people who wanted to also but most of the people i know would rather do a weekend rally for that money

twink19, Mar 31, 1:09pm
only 46 entries so far

trogedon, Sep 14, 12:56pm
Do the cycling version of the race. Its one way to pop your lungs out of your mouth!