Towing an automatic. My car is fully dead in town and need to get it home in a pretty risky part of town will it be ok to tow it
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Mar 25, 8:07pm
my car is fully dead in town, and need to get it home, in a pretty risky part of town. will it be ok to tow it even if its auto!
Mar 25, 8:09pm
Answer NO < it will need to be towed with the back wheels off the ground.
Mar 25, 8:10pm
Sorry with the driving wheels off the ground.
Mar 25, 8:12pm
you can tow autos man,done shit loads!just got to go slow as.chuck her in neutral.
Mar 25, 8:15pm
I've never had a problem towing autos
Mar 25, 8:17pm
Yer. I've towed them.Doesnt seem to hurt them. Like they said put it in neutral and key on so indicators and stuff work.
Mar 25, 8:18pm
Ok then.
Mar 25, 8:22pm
nissan say dont tow at more than 30kph, and not for more than 30km.
Mar 25, 8:24pm
it is a nissan. thanks for the help people
Mar 25, 8:29pm
will the brakes still work!
Mar 25, 8:30pm
Yes, just wont be assisted by the booster, so will feel heavier.
Mar 25, 8:31pm
excellent thank you so much. i really don't know what is wrong with the car.
new battery, alternator has been tested, wont jump start, they ruled out the starter motor.
so annoying
Mar 25, 8:32pm
Yes you can tow an auto, but how fast and how long a distance depends on what sort of auto it is. I.e Make model
Mar 25, 8:32pm
Who is 'they'! Not the AA I hope! Lol.
Mar 25, 8:35pm
What specific year, model, engine! Any other symptoms! Or simply just not starting!
Mar 25, 8:37pm
na not the AA.
its a 1998 nissan primera p11 wagon.
it starts when ever it wants to, like it started for me yesterday, drove to get petrol, wouldn't start at the station for me, so i charged my brand new battery over night, started for me after a bit of effort this morning and then in town, wouldn't start for me.
all the dash lights go, wont even turn over
Mar 25, 8:43pm
Could be loose or corroded connection or bad earth. Has the battery been tested to make sure its OK! It might be new, but doesn't mean its not faulty. Starter motor could also be faulty, the ones used in SR powered Nissans are notorious for crapping out. I would get all checked by an auto sparky, especially the starter. If it has worn brushes/contacts or a faulty solenoid then it will only start sometimes. Same if it has a worn pinion or the ring gear is damaged/worn.
Mar 25, 8:44pm
Another trick is to tap the starter with a hammer lightly will cranking it.
Mar 25, 8:47pm
the battery got tested with a volt meter. was all ok. thank you for your help. i hope towing it home wont be to much of a scary task on the bumpy roads of christchurch!
Mar 25, 8:54pm
Ring one of the local tow-recovery companies, it may be cheaper than you think, to have it picked-up and dropped-off to wherever you want it repaired.
After all, what's it going to cost to ask, and, given the cost of repairing an auto, the peace of mind that delivery would give you would be priceless.
Good luck.
Mar 25, 8:55pm
yea just had a call from the place where i left the car (a car audio place) they got a auto sparky too look at it (how nice) and they think its the starter motor
Mar 25, 8:57pm
some of those cars came out with a cvt transmission not a standard auto. Im not sure if you can tow those cvt trans cars or not though
Mar 25, 8:58pm
yea its a CVT.
Mar 25, 9:01pm
Call a towing ferm, i think during the day sos is about 40-60$ scotts isnt that bad, would never recommend EBS,
Mar 25, 9:07pm
can a starter motor over heat! because it only seems to start ok when its cold
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