Fair price for storing a car in your garage

cuda.340, Mar 22, 12:50am
it's $70 pw for national mini storage to park a car if thats any help.

johnf_456, Mar 22, 12:58am
Just ring around your local storage outfits.

morrisman1, Mar 22, 1:12am
A beer fridge, stocked full of Steinlager pure for the period that the car is in your garage. Probably work out cheap for them too

xs1100, Mar 22, 1:18am
just make sure that both parties inform
their relevant insurance parties,any damage sustained in your garage could still be considered your fault and yr insurance could be responsable

socram, Mar 22, 1:42am
I suppose a lot depends on the scarcity of local garage parking.A good starting point is to take the percentage of house space the garage occupies and apply that percentage to the annual rates, insurance and maintenance bills.

You said it was a neighbour, not a friend.That suggests that it isa commercial transaction rather than helping out a mate.Mates get it for free - or a nominal rate only.

Let a racer park his car in my half empty garage for three months and in return, I get to track day run his car.I'm happy, he is happy.Good point above by xs1100 too.

tgray, Mar 22, 3:15am
My dad rents out his storage space at the nautilus in orewa for $25 p/week.
Depends how much you like your neighbour versus how much you like money.

sfw4, Mar 22, 3:17am
$20. money for nothing. any higher and ur risking him going somewhere else

johnf_456, Mar 22, 3:52am
Yup 20 to 25

tgray, Mar 22, 1:52pm
I would still ask $25 a week. A nice even $100 a month is still cheap.

gusthe1, Mar 22, 1:56pm
free. What price beats an appreciative neighbour.

3962, Mar 22, 2:00pm
Don't forget to put sign up "Cars stored at owners risk".

smac, Mar 22, 2:09pm
Ya if you have the space, free.

lovemore_mbigi, Mar 22, 2:13pm
Get a signature on a contract fella.

rif_raf13, Mar 22, 7:25pm
Dont do it!To many issues of potential problems. Damage and inconvenient access spring to mind to name a couple. Dont do it!
Nuff said.

flybye_in_a_rx7, Mar 22, 7:30pm
$10-$15. thats being cheap but its still good income for you doing nothing. plus if u give it to him cheaper he might feel the need to being you back a present or something

directorylist, Mar 22, 8:16pm
If its a mate, for a couple of months and i'm not using the garage space.then free :)

tuttyclan, Mar 23, 12:22am
I used to pay $20 per month about 10 years ago.

v8_mopar, Aug 16, 6:18pm
Depends what the cars worth and how well you know the owner and if you offer insurance or not and how well the garage is locked yea. $0 - $100 per week