Which car if bought in the 7kto 10krange will hold its price better than others all being equal!
Jan 30, 8:42pm
nissan maximas have dropped thier price a fair bit so are good buys a 2003-2004 ish one would be a good buy.
Jan 30, 8:51pm
Hi ,yes but I guess the question isif I upgrade my car and buy at say 8kwhich model will I recoup most dosh on in say 2-3 yrs!crystal ball req!
Jan 30, 8:55pm
If its big enough. a MK5 Golf will hold its value very well, they have not really moved in price in the last couple of years and I think they will hold a bit longer yet. Lovely car too. You will need to spend all of your 10K and be patient to get one for that but I have seen a few bargains that were still tidy for that money.
MK4 Golf GTX (thats the 1.8 twin cam with the leather and bits) is also a bargain buy, get a nice one around 6K and you don't stand to lose much. Lovely car too.
Otherwise in a bigger car, a Volo S60 for about $5-6K in really nice condition should hold its value well. They are always popular as they are not as "scary" as the sophisticated S80 and are bigger than the ever popular S40.
Consult me for a buyers guide if considering either.
Jan 30, 9:11pm
Most popular and probably slightly overpriced cars are in the Toyota stable. Higher initial purchase usually means higher resale if kept in good nick.Look for:Good k's,good color and tidy interior.
Jan 30, 9:51pm
a ford fairmont ghia should do the trick.leather and all the goodies . look for a 2003-2004 ish model
Jan 30, 10:05pm
Toyota's tend to hold their value really well, and so does the Mazda 3 and Mazda 6.
Jan 30, 10:07pm
mazda 3 and mazda 6 are just starting to get picked up by the boy racer crowd which could be a good or bad thing. probably bad in terms of value
Jan 30, 10:07pm
I'd be inclined to go for a Falcon/Commodore
You won't fit 5 adults comfortably in a smaller car
Jan 30, 10:15pm
Be VERY careful of buying a Toyota. People don't seem to understand that initially holding their resale is not necessarily a good thing. Buying secondhand at that age group you WANT something with high intial resale. Otherwise what tends to happen is they lose value all of a sudden really quickly.
Take the Vitz/Yaris for example the early model ones were way over priced 3-4 years ago selling for around 12K. This was at a time a really nice condition Punto of the same year was about 6K.
Now those same Yaris/Vitz are worth about the same as a Punto at about $5500.
At the time people were busy telling me that the Toyota was the much better buy due to resale.
Jan 30, 10:23pm
BS Jazz, Toyota's are holding their values very well, infact, many Toyota's are selling for what they were selling for 5-6 years ago.
First you bang on about how most japanese cars are overpriced and expensive and most euro's are alot cheaper due to more depreciation, which was a direct result of more 'idiots' buying more japanese cars, so you are always able to pick up great deals, and suddenly you change your tune. Make up your mind.
Jan 30, 10:27pm
Same thing happened with Altezza's, 3 series BMW's, C class Merc's etc.And eventually their values did drop, but then they just picked up again. I probably would be a bit hesitant to get anything above a 2.5L though if it was for the long run, mainly due to the fact that fuel prices are only going to go up.
Jan 30, 10:42pm
Toyota all the way, they are dearer for a reason, because people recognise there reliability so the resale will be higher, But you will paymore to buy it. In my opinion you never buy a car thinking of selling it in two years time, better to stick with what you have. you don,t make money on everyday cars. all the best anyway.
Jan 30, 11:26pm
Show me a 1300cc vitz for sale for $5500 ---and a Yarris for $5500 hmm okley dokley.
Jan 30, 11:42pm
Had a 1997 Starlet recently 110 km and sold real fast at $5995. I sold the same car 3 years ago done 77,000 for $5995. Shows the lack of good Toyota's available in the price range and their popularity. I don't set the prices, the market demand does.
Sorry Jazz but that would never happen with your Euro stuff, markets too small.
So OP, what do you think is the better buy!
Jan 31, 12:07am
What on earth are you smoking!! Did you not read my example! I sold my 2000 Punto in 2007 for $6500 look at what a 2000 Punto in top condition with 70K on the clock goes for now.
Jan 31, 12:15am
A 2.2 litre Toyota Camry, if you can increase your budget a little bit, get the later 2.4 litre chain driven, 4 cylinder Camry.
Jan 31, 12:15am
Why is it so hard to understand! Cars that have massive initial depreciation (say in the first 5 years) often hold up at that price for quite some time. If you are buying a car it makes more financial sense to buy one that's hit that platau.
Fiat Multipla's are another example that had obscene initial depreciation yet have not really depreciated at all in the last 6 years.
Another good buy point is older cars that have depreciated to a point where they won't really depreciate any further if kept in good order.
Jan 31, 12:30am
I am not arguing that it hasn't always been cheaper, but thats a "relative" cheaper so still over priced and still available at the time of the example for 12K, as I was talking a typical price for the Toyota at the time not an inflated one.
You can argue symantics all you like, even a very best case scenario of the Yoyota Yaris/Vitz which whichever engine or badge you are still looking at a minimum of 400% greater depreciation than the equivalent Punto.
Its nothing to draw attention to or be proud of. Your smoke and mirrors distractions don't change the math.
Jan 31, 12:32am
You won't.
Jan 31, 12:33am
This link means NOTHING!
You are absolutely hilarious trying to play tricks that wouldn't fool a 6 year old!
The example in the link is a 2006! We are talking about cars that are 6 years older. Just because there isn't a cheap example of the exact model/engine/version on TM at the moment dosn't mean they don't exist.
Anyone can see your argument is. well not even an argument!
Just had a quick look, there are no "Yaris" badged cars on TM right now of that age for any price. which makes it even more funny. Yaris/Vitz/Echo/Platz/Ist whatever name they are trying to hide under, they all suffered the same depreciation fate.
Jan 31, 12:34am
Funny, I have done it most times I have bought a car of that value.
Jan 31, 12:38am
Probably your Yaris ain't going to cut the mustard for a 5 seater, for my money I'd be looking at an Accord Euro, Mazda6 or Camry. You may have trouble finding the Accord Euro in your price range though. I'd be avoiding Falcons and Commodores, gas is not going to get cheaper.
Jan 31, 12:40am
I give up. no one seems to understand the question.
Jan 31, 1:10am
Nope--Im still getting the same sort of money as I was a year even two years ago for this same product.--But what do I know I'm just the guy that sells em
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