Never sell a car to stupid people

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kiwis0, Feb 5, 9:33pm
wow you sold it to her in 08 its now 12, is she on something.lo

elect70, Feb 5, 9:41pm
Dont be too sure about DTthowing it out ,ref will most likely suggestyou paying for partofrepair bill , they dont go by leter of the law just what they think is fair & if she puts up a big sob story &brings a box of tissuesyour screwed. I had case wherethis guy bought his kids along dressed in rags, he wasnt dressedany better ,I losthe laughed .

kiwis0, Feb 5, 9:44pm
Your logic is flawed

jason_247, Feb 6, 1:18am
holy thread revival batman!

outbidyou2, Feb 6, 4:44am
hey shut up, your'e late anyway

mugenb20b, Feb 6, 12:28pm
7 months later.

pup2, Feb 6, 12:51pm
nek min.oppppsssss.nek year

friendly_prawn, Feb 6, 1:47pm
jeeze there are a lot of deleted posts in this thread!
What happened, one of the mods get bored!

tonyrockyhorror, Feb 6, 2:49pm
Right there is where you went wrong. Tierod ends are a consumable. You should have told her to take a running jump, respectfully.

I hope your old man reckons she's good in the sack because lord knows there's plenty of room upstairs for dancing.

scrosby, Feb 6, 2:52pm
evidence evidence evidence always back whatever you say with evidence to prove it.

tonyrockyhorror, Feb 6, 2:53pm
Small appendage syndrome.

johnf_456, Feb 6, 2:58pm
Just some misbehaving members as usual I think.

tonyrockyhorror, Feb 6, 2:58pm
Oh, here's Nanny to tut-tut them.

elect70, Feb 6, 7:20pm
Cant you figure it out !. It means she will cry&tell big sob story& the refereee will take pity on her . Rememberdisputes tribunal is just a resolution process& dont have to go byletter of lawonly the District courtdoes . Trust me ive been in business for 35years & seen it all .

marte, Feb 7, 12:20am
Thats a absolute classic.

jason_247, Jul 1, 6:45am
ok so a while back i sold a 1986 BA1 honda prelude, Immaculate condition with only 85ks on it. sold it to a friend of my father who had just sold her e36 320i and had to downgrade. (turns out she drained the oil THEN drove the car down the shops to get the filter and oil, didnt quite make it)

about 6 months after i sold it i got a phone call saying "the wof is about to expire. what do i do" reply was go to vtnz

she came back and said a tierod end had failed and i had to replace it (apparently she expected a dealership warranty from a private sale)
i was respectful as she was a friend of my father and i replaced it and only charged her for the part cost.

Now i get an email from her saying its blown up and i have to fix her car or she will take me to small claims court over it.

car got a oil leak from the front crank seal, she ignored it and eventually the timing belt snapped from degradation from being soaked in oil for 6 months

this is my fault because i said the engine was in good condition
i rung her and laughed in her face.
for the record i sold the car to her in october 2008.

johnf_456, Jul 1, 6:47am
Crikey what a nightmare

sw20, Jul 1, 6:48am
Never sell to friends or family. Always ends in tears.

pollymay, Jul 1, 6:50am
Only one solution, do a skid.

jason_247, Jul 1, 6:52am
i have a spare engine for that car so i offered to buy it off her for $100
apparently this offended her

i mentioned it to my dad and he said a couple of words that start with f and c respectively

n1smo_gtir, Jul 1, 8:31am
wat a f and c COW!literaly. let her take you to the disputes tribunal.let them laugh in her face as well. was ur fathers kind words pointed towards you, her or the situation!

lovemore_mbigi, Jul 1, 3:01pm
You're getting played for a sucker boyo - shall I get my violin!

All private sales must be "as is, where is, as seen".In writing.

marmatt, Jul 1, 3:14pm
send her a box of tissues ortell her to buy some wood and build a bridge and get over it hahaa

jsbike, Jul 1, 6:56pm
wrong, you dont need it in writing.

gilligan2, Jul 1, 7:02pm
I second that motion!