Shudder through the steering wheel at 100kms,

market1, Feb 8, 1:49am
Any reason why this has started recently!

mugenb20b, Feb 8, 1:52am
Wheels out of balance.

rocky0169, Feb 8, 1:55am
or compound fault in a tire. or even alignment. most tire shop,s will do a free check for you.

ffbuksh, Feb 8, 2:07am
I had the same problem with my little mazda. Turned out one of the front wheels was slightly damanged and bent. Changing it fixed the problem.

rob_man, Feb 8, 2:15am
Your car is getting old and becomes afraid of high speeds. It is shaking with fright.

rocky0169, Feb 8, 2:16am
. usualy a out of balance issue,, tire,s rim,s alignment. one of the 3

thewomble1, Feb 8, 2:17am
automatic speed control device.

market1, Feb 8, 2:22am
Yes I admit to not liking depreciating assets(no cruise control on this beast).

morrisman1, Feb 8, 2:23am
probably rear wheel out of balance

kazbanz, Feb 8, 12:54pm
does the shudder change if you touch the brakes! --I agree with the above but another possible is slightly warped disks

market1, Feb 8, 2:11pm
Yes but only with the decrease in speed.