Nissan Primera lets say a year 2000?

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audi_s_ate, Feb 15, 1:18am
I would keep the civic.

tgray, Feb 15, 2:32am
Oh No.The euro salesman's back.LOL

trdbzr, Feb 15, 2:42am
Toysky don't buy into the drivel Jazz spills, most of the Fiats and VWs he recommends are no where near as reliable as their japanese counterparts. He is always in denial and any facts about their unreliability sends his excuses mill into overdrive. The Primera is a good reliable car. Avoid one in 4WD. As long as its been serviced on time, it will be a good purchase.

johnf_456, Feb 15, 2:46am
He sure is, it was a quick holiday.

trdbzr, Feb 15, 3:02am
Lol more like just attention seeking. If it wasn't a attention seeking stunt, there wouldn't be a huge thread dedicated about it started by him.

gubay, Feb 15, 7:19am
A mechanic once told me there's nothing on the underside of any European vehicle other than an exhaustpipe :)