I'm tempted to cut the footpeg brackets off my SR500. I'm very unlikely to ever want to double on it and they look pretty blah. I've been told by a compliance guy that I won't get through the VIN/WOF process because it'll have a seat built for 2 but no pegs for no.2. Could I weld some small mounts for detachable brackets to the frame, fit detachable brackets for pillions feet for VIN/WOF time and pass!
Feb 16, 8:26pm
I doubt very much they could fail you for cutting them off, ask him what exactly he would fail you on, because really the only thing he could fail pegs on is if they were cracked/unsafe. If they are not there, there is nothing to fail them on.
Feb 16, 8:27pm
Yes. But if noticed by a cop you run the risk of a 'Not up to WoF' standard infringement offence notice.
Feb 16, 8:44pm
It's unlikely a cop would notice - the bike only had a grab strap in the middle of it (which my bike never had), it didn't have a grab handle at the back, it's an old bike (c.f. young cops!) and the seat is realatively short (for two up riding).
Feb 16, 8:50pm
Simple, pig out until you fill the seat, then it will look like it was made for one.
Feb 16, 9:07pm
Hmm, interesting one and very dependant on how you read and interpret the VIRM. It states there must be footpegs if there is provision for a pillion but surely if there is no footpegs there is no longer provision for a pillion. Under reasons for rejection it states as a reason for rejection, the motorcycle is not fitted with footpegs for a the rider and b a pillion where there is a pillion seating position. Again, without footpegs there is no longer a pillion seating position as by the first statement. Hope this comes across OK and very much doubt it is the spirit of the legislation but maybe worth trying. Ask them how scooters get away without rear footpegs yet have extra seating.
Feb 16, 9:13pm
Perhaps. I'm just pointing out the risk you do run. It's up to you to determine the probability.
Feb 16, 9:14pm
When I used to do wof checks basically if it had a pillion seat it had to have suitable pillion foot pegs, if the bike had a single seat it didn't. But that may well have been our interpretation of it.
Feb 16, 9:15pm
You would be surprised what they notice if you give them reason to look.
Feb 16, 9:16pm
Lol, yea, I'm just playing devils advocate. Lots of gray areas in the VIRM depending on interpretation.
Feb 16, 9:30pm
Are the back pegs foldable/ spring loaded & removable off their brackets. If they can be unbolted, then just put them back on for the wof. If you get asked later by a cop why they are missing just say you are getting a new pair because the others fractured
Feb 16, 10:52pm
Sorry mate--You are wrong--given what you are saying is that troggie present the bike with dual seat and NO pegs. IT will faill in the same way a car would fail having a seat with no seatbelt. It will always fail a WOF for no rear footpegs too. Solution is either A) make the bike a single seater. or B) have as troggie said. id trail bike pegs for inspection time.
Me I would just leave the pegs on untill Its passed compliance then take em off afterwards.- word of warning. To clamp up securely you might damage the paint on the swingarm using clamp on pegs.
BUT-the REALLY clever solution.take the pegs/brackets off. Go to action wreckers and buy a set of rear pegs/brackets from a 90's 250/400 -the ones with 16mm steel tube brackets. Weld mounting lugs on the frame up out of sight and just bolt these on. Bingo instant pass for a wof but easy to remove with no damage to visible parts
Feb 16, 11:04pm
So many ludicrous laws so little time.I can almost guarantee certain people won't fail you for such petty things.Laws gone insane.It's like that other nutjob rule that says you must have a chain guard if you have passenger footegs or even the holes to take footpegs.Crazy MOT bollocks.
Feb 16, 11:12pm
i had my rear pegs off for about 9 years always got a warrant. then all of a sudden they failed it because of no pegs. tld me i had to recertify the bike at great expense or put pegs back on. had to go to bike wreckers and get some pegs as i couldnt find the old ones. put them on got the warrant then took them off again. found the old ones about a year later.
Feb 17, 1:55am
Interesting replies and I'm none the wiser!
Feb 17, 1:56am
troggie--short version mate-DONT cut the peg mounts off untill its legal
Feb 17, 2:21am
Throw up a pic.I'm interested to see as how bad a pair of rear pegs could be to have to remove them even if they're not used frequently.
Feb 17, 3:29am
You are making a mountain out of a molehill, its not that bad besides why cut an original part off your bike!
Feb 17, 3:33am
I tell'ya what.if you replaced all your pegs with a nice set it wouldn't look bad at all especially if the rear pegs were slightly smaller than the front but of the same style.
Feb 17, 4:12pm
It's becoming a more stripped down cafe racer. They're ugly and heavy - like the centre stand I took off.
Feb 17, 4:52pm
troggy--mate look on the left side-where is the exhaust going to hang off !
Feb 17, 4:57pm
does it say you have to have a seat for wof! if not, cut the pegs off and then get a wof with no seat, without a seat they cant argue its got seating for 2 so fail it on having no pillion pegs
Feb 17, 4:59pm
LOL--yes it does have to have a seat for compliance. But given the extent troggie is going towhy not a seat like the humped ones on the GB500 honda.
Feb 17, 5:07pm
bugger! my grandad had a similar response when his old jeep failed wof for rust in the door, he removed the whole door and passed wof, this was a good 25+ years ago so im sure you could not get away with that now
Feb 17, 5:16pm
I've got a reverse cone shorty pipe and I'm sure I'd sort a hanger for it.
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