No spark at plugs

johdoe, Feb 18, 1:12pm
motot turns over just no spark at plugs

berg, Feb 18, 1:24pm
What motor, lawnmower, car, outboard.!

brokebloke1, Feb 18, 1:35pm
is it a red car!

biddy6, Feb 18, 2:12pm
Those motot 's are sods of things.

johdoe, Feb 18, 2:15pm
ford ea

thunderbolt, Feb 18, 2:18pm
Oh, this one.

Still waiting for you to come back and fill us all in on the locked up motor after bolting up the transmission.

What happened there!

s.patete, Feb 18, 2:18pm
assuming its a car of some sort I would say ignition module as I have just had the same problem with one of our cars, installed a second hand distributer as it was cheaper and problem solved.
Most of the people on here are willing to help and offer advice but Im pretty sure not one of them has a crystal ball that works so a little more info will go a long way.

s.patete, Feb 18, 2:19pm
Snap, there we go.

thunderbolt, Feb 18, 2:23pm
Another point which would be useful.

Has it ever run since the motor swap!

Was it running ok and now wont start which suggests a component failure, or has never run which may relate to the install!

johdoe, Feb 18, 5:57pm
trans oil pump locked up the torque converter an bent the valves in motor
so it was a new trans to now all in car just no spark. motor turns over just wont fire up most of the parts are of old motor

johdoe, Feb 18, 5:58pm
s.patete what makes you any different