Hey guys, I have a ln85 hilux with a 2L motor. has been hard to start on cold mornings. So I put new glow plugs in and this morning nothing. so tried a couple times and still nothing. untill after about the 4th try of letting it crank for about 5 secs. by that time the battery was flat I gave it a jump and fired straight into life.
What could possibly be the problem. it starts sweet as later in the day first pop. so I assumed it was a glowing roblem! what else could it be! or what to check
May 11, 1:03am
Is power actually getting to your plugs!
May 11, 1:03am
Do you leave the ignition on for a few minutes before cranking so the glow plugs get to heat up
May 11, 1:07am
cant say Iactually checked power. which would be a good place to start ahah. Just I leave it on till the light goes out. better to maybe leave it on longer!
May 11, 1:09am
A few minutes! It only takes seconds.
May 11, 1:58am
the light gose out in roughly 5 seconds id leave it for about 15 befor starting as the plugs are still glowing then.
May 11, 2:14am
dont think the plug will be still glowing after the light has gone out, try glowing it up 2 or 3 times before starting, meaning when the light goes out turn the ignition off then on to glow then start, get back to us if it starts better or not
May 11, 2:24am
the top of the plugs should be getting power! the relay get power to it. then when I switch the key on the output from the relay will get power then after around 15sec loose power which I see to be normal!
May 11, 3:04am
you need to try a new battery as i have seen this problem before.
May 11, 3:08am
most vehicles the light gose out early then you hear the clonk a little later. Ive seen it many times using a test light
May 11, 3:10am
yes they should get power, did you put the right glow plugs in e.g correct voltage!
May 11, 3:47am
yup. genuine plugs. a new battery! surely not! it cranks over sweet as nice and fast battery is only a couple years old!
the tips of the plugs dont have power when I turn key on!wierd
May 11, 4:07am
Where is the blue or black insulator fitted ! it should be manifold then insulator then glow rail then power wire then black insulator then nut. Alot of people forget the insulator and then you get a dead short which blows the black 80amp fuse in the fuse box on the drivers side under the bonnet. The relay will still have power even if the 80amp fuse has gone. First check how you have fitted the insulator then check and replace 80amp glow fuse.
May 11, 4:10am
Charge or replace the battery. The engine isn't turning over fast enough to generate enough heat to ignite the fuel.
You say the battery is only a couple of years old but it should be able to crank the engine for more than a few seconds.
May 11, 4:17am
Check that there is power getting to the glow plugs first off.This can be checked with a multi-tester or probe light.If there is no power, it is probably a fault in either the glow timer, relay or a blown glow fuse.If there is power, it could be as major as a lack of compression. Take it to a workshop to be checked if you are unable to diagnose the problem yourself.It shouldn't take a competent mechanic long to work out where the problem is.Good luck with getting it sorted.
May 11, 4:20am
Bingo. Ive seen this before as well. The other hint is he only got four glows and wind overs before the battery needed a jump. New battery time and check your charge and draw rates
May 11, 4:20am
Did ya read the whole thread before posting!
"yup. genuine plugs. a new battery! surely not! it cranks over sweet as nice and fast battery is only a couple years old!
the tips of the plugs dont have power when I turn key on! wierd"
* Quote
gtfowar (1 )8:47 pm, Tue 10 May #12
May 11, 4:21am
Note no power at plugs
May 11, 5:16am
Great idea if he has shorted the glow rail already by miss placing the insulator. why wouldn't you fix the problem first then give it power!
May 11, 5:37am
my guess is your glowplug timer is rooted or the fuse is even gone. 5 secound is no where near enough. it can go out after about 10 secounds but there is a reley keeps glowing and then clicks after 20 to 30 secounds thats when it stoped glowing and it should start first pop after that. unless of course the power does not go to the glowplugs.
May 11, 5:40am
if you put direct current on the glowers i recommend you read the voltage first of the glowplugs. if its 11volt then 5 secounds be ok to glow them you want a lead from glower to plus terminal dont use the aligator of a jumper cable as you will make a short out the battery when the engine shakes . butif it fires after you hold it on 8 secounds and somone starts it after 5 secound then you found the problem.
May 11, 5:46am
if they glowers are less then 11volt rated then do not direct glow em with 12 volt or puff goes 20+$ for a new one.
May 11, 3:26pm
theres the answer in the question
May 12, 12:48am
okay well theres no power to the glow plugs. put tester to the top of the plug and theres no power. the fuse it mint that was the first thing I checked. it was doing the same thing before replacing the plugs. I assumed that was the problem. but looks to be no power to the plugs. relay seems okay. how to check glow timer!
May 12, 1:41am
yea its a common mistake its tricky as to not assemble it wrong, but if its assembled wrong then the big mother fuse for the glowsystem will be poped. it has 10millimeter bolts holding the fuse in place and costs quite a bit to replace.
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