Side mount car/truck areial

poppajn, Feb 26, 2:26pm
I;m looking for a 9 or 12 foot side mount radio aerial to help with a truck restoreation. I don;t think they are made anymore but just a chance someone out there may know of a source or even have one tucked away. They were very popular in the '60;s and '70;s on car,s and truck;s.Thank;s

nathanmac, Feb 26, 5:44pm
What type of truck!

poppajn, Feb 26, 6:46pm
Volvo G88

matthew_129, Feb 27, 3:22am
I get my CB aerials from jaycar

They normally have some fairly long ones there and all the bracketry if thats what your after

heads1st, Feb 27, 4:27am

petermcg, Feb 27, 9:35pm
Swap meet could have one

mrfxit, Mar 28, 5:31pm
LOL yea I remember those, had a few "back in the day"
Lots of different heights with the same 2 basic side mounts.
It was the only way to get any semi decent radio reception back then
Yea from memory, I think they got up to about 12 feet for the biggest with the most common being 6ft

nightboss, Mar 28, 7:59pm

nathanmac, Mar 29, 5:12am
I just went out and measured mine and it's 2.6m fully extended, so I guess that makes it just under 9ft!The top inch has a right angle bend - is it supposed to be like that!Maybe that was for tying the foxtails to!

mrfxit, Mar 29, 3:27pm
Normally they just had a red plastic screw on pointed knob

nathanmac, Mar 29, 4:26pm
Ta.This one may be missing a bit then - there's no evidence anything has been screwed on to it.Was a bit surprised to see it's chrome over brass - i guess I'm still young enough to have believed these have always been stainless steel!

mrfxit, Mar 29, 5:29pm
LOL. stainless steel = only on jappa's

ALL shinys were chrome over brass/ diacast or steel back then.
Little bits = movable bits = brass
Little bits =fixed position bits = diacast
Big bits = steel

nathanmac, Mar 29, 6:02pm
Lol sounds about right but there are just enough stainless bits on the old cars that made me just think they would have been the same forever.I'll have to check the Mk1 and the Chev to see what they're made of now.I know the Fairmont has a later stainless one on it though.On the Model A we just hooked up a wire to the chicken mesh in the roof.

mrcat1, Mar 30, 2:45am
There used to be a place in the back of Mount Eden area, more towards Kingsland end, that used to have all sorts of those side mount arieals. I used to have one on the side of my exhaust stack on a big road truck years ago, if i had it fully up it would hit the surrounds of those overhead traffic lights. But damn good on radio reception though.