Driving distance/time from Pukekohe to Manukau?

kiwistar, Mar 22, 10:26pm
Who here does daily drives from Pukekohe township to Manukau Westfield/Rainbows end. How long does it take you on average! What are the holdsup you run into from time to time! Looking at moving to Pukekohe if it isn't too far too commute. Also how much does it cost you for gas 5-6 days a week approx! Thanks

tonyrockyhorror, Mar 22, 10:46pm
Take the train.

kiwistar, Mar 22, 11:22pm
With young kids/babies/lots of bags. No Thanks. Cheers for the suggestion. Simply don't have the time to wait around for trains that are late etc either.

tonyrockyhorror, Mar 23, 1:03am
Thought you said commute.

mantagsi, Mar 23, 2:16am
I live out in pukekohe and commute to mt wellington every day, but I find if I don't leave home on or before 6:00am the traffic is normally a pain in the bum. Mind you it tends to be worse just after Manukau so you might be OK - what time did you need to be in Manukau! Oh and heading home! sucks no matter what time you leave really :P

saxman99, Mar 23, 5:24am
Non rush hour pukekohe to manukau is about 20 mins.I don't do it at busy times so I can't help with that.

serf407, Mar 23, 2:25pm
Depends on which side of Pukekohe you live. Some take the Pukekohe East Road up to Bombay to go down the Motorway. Others take 22 to Drury.
The bottlenecks are the Takanini on ramp/ railway/ Great South Road overbridge.http://www.stuff.co-
rains(also has takanini vehicle mw accident)
and heading South - the Hill Road overbridge 3 into 2 lanes.
Might be quicker to drive up the Great South Road from Drury some days.
Check where Pukekohe tapwater is at wrt the rest of Auckland.

cuda.340, Mar 24, 2:14am
at this time of year to get just from Drury to Manukau is 25 mins at 7am. for some reason the dickheads that get on at Papakura stuff things up by trying to get into the fastlane before they're up to speed. there's a lot of nose/tail crashes once varsity has started & the traffic volumes increase. i do this crawl every morning & find the Red chip left lane is the fastest.

xs1100, Mar 24, 4:16pm
pukekohe to manukau every morning 30-40 mins max,unless theres been a break down/accident on motorway

cuda.340, Mar 24, 7:37pm
thats like 4 mornings out of 5.

xs1100, Mar 25, 12:59am
yes last week was a shocker