No it doesnt.I;ve done it many times, and even on cars I keeped for a few years, they have looked the same 6 years after painting.
Mk1 cortinas are duco.I've repainted quite a few in laquer with no problems.
Mar 23, 2:52am
We used Prepareakote too and would let it sit for about two weeks before going over it but that was in the days before two pack epoxy's and acrylics and the like. If you do as the don says (put Dulon over Duco) you will be guaranteed that the surface will craze within a couple of years.but I do agree that a two pack clear over Dulon would be a good "backyard" paint system. I would just use sealer first.
Mar 23, 2:54am
Rob ,man you can put two pack clear over Dulon. The yanks have been doing that on Hot Rods for years. I have too. BUT dont put dulon over Duco
Mar 23, 2:54am
Prepareakote is enamel. I can put up a pic of a car I repainted.Mk2 cortina and as we all know they are duco.But I used laquer and 2K clear.
if the duco was fresh your right,,but its not its UV'd and old
Mar 23, 2:58am
Ive never seen a primer yet that will %100 stop shrinkage/sinkback happening yet. I dont think any supplier would guarantee it either.Ive seen it and done it myself, putting modern bc/cc and 2k paints over Dulon and enamals and have yet to see a complete success, even with sealers suposedly made for the job. closest ive come to no issue is completly covering car in 2k high build filler (after sealing) sanding and primimg again. Ultimitly stripping is the only way to go unless recoating in same type of paint. But you try telling a customer that who saves themselves a doller or two by not doing it then is pissed off when it sinks.
Mar 23, 2:59am
YES IT DOES, 2 pk clear delaminates off lacquer.
But then again i've only been painting 28 yrs and Rob has probably been at it the same amount of time so what would we know.
Mar 23, 3:01am
And i could put up 500 pic's of delamination due to that very issue.
Mar 23, 3:03am
delaminates only if poorly done.
I used to use a USA made product called "Transtar".was not cheap. $200 for a tin and hardner
Mar 23, 3:06am
Yes, doesn't look too bad.
But, just because you've had "luck" doesn't make it right, i also don't think providing "incorrect" advice is productive.
Don't take this personally mate, just 28 yrs in the industry does give ya an insight as to what does & doesn't work.
Mar 23, 3:09am
No, it delaminates as lacquer relies on evaporation to dry and 2 pack is chemical drying. 2 pk seals off the lacquer and doesn't allow it to dry properly, thats when the delamination issue starts.
Mar 23, 3:10am
Good God, they charged you $200 for Transtar! We get it for around $150 last time I looked.
Mar 23, 3:10am
$200 for Transtar, i think thay saw ya coming mate.
Mar 23, 3:10am
LMFAO Rob, snap.
Mar 23, 3:13am
No problems,I';ve only worked in panel and paint shops for about 6 years and then went home and done it. As one boss told me.some guys have been in the trade that long and they have the experance and have passed all of the tests but still they carnt paint.or make a panel straight.
I must be lucky because I've never had a problem.
Tell a lie.I got crows feet once doing 2k over laquer.It fkd me off had to rubb it out and do it again.didnt wait long enough for the laquer to harden before I put 2k on.
The diffrence to a good job is the prep.and people dont want to pay for that.Thats why I only do my own stuff.
Mar 23, 3:15am
I havnt pulled out my spray gear for at least 12 years. price would have changed. Sounds good you can still buy it .It is great stuff. The spray putty / undercoat was also USA made.carnt think of the name. but its a horried yellow colour.
Mar 23, 3:17am
High fill gold!
Mar 23, 3:18am
Tetrosyl!.- I HATE TETROSYL.
Mar 23, 3:20am
Must be good, never heard of it lol.
Mar 23, 3:21am
Thats it.Its great.
Bog up a guard file and sand it back.Brush truck loads on and wait a week.then block it back.straight from the tin.
Then add thinner and respray it . ready for a 400 wet rub.
Must say quite often if repainting in white I'd switch to a grey undercoat at last minite
Mar 23, 3:23am
There was a clear called Crystal Clear from the USA which was meant to go over acrylic lacquer and it did work ok but didn't really stand the test of time the couple of tmes I used it.
Mar 23, 3:24am
It's a UK product.and you couldn't pay me enough to use it.
I've seen some horror things when that's been used.eewwwww i just got a shiver down my spine just thinking 'bout it.
Mar 23, 3:26am
LOL.if you bog up a jappa (70's) with dulon and 2K clear. the rust will bubble thru before the 2k delaminates off the paint. would you like a pic of rust bubble after 6 years
Mar 23, 3:27am
Well would have used it on 1000 cars/vans.
Never a problem.
Mar 23, 3:28am
Go buy a lotto ticket mate, because holy crap you've had some luck.
Mar 23, 3:29am
No just good workman ship mate
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