Aged paint

joanie32, Apr 22, 4:58pm
Im thinking of painting my morry in a flat colour, rubbing through in the odd spot etc. anyone done this before, any advise etc! want it to look like the 60 year old car it is.

paulap, Apr 22, 8:23pm
What is the paint like now!

trader1292, Apr 22, 8:59pm
Don't. Patina should be natural, not made.

joanie32, Apr 23, 2:30am
its in etchprimer at moment and I know nothing looks wose than fake old. But surely I can pull it off!

paulap, Apr 23, 2:36am
Nope not possible. It is not something you can achieve without it looking tacky.

grangies, Apr 23, 2:45am
Weta Workshop may have something to offer.

But the $$ will be huge lol.

gunhand, Apr 23, 2:49am
There are some very talanted painters out there (and here) who do airbrush work etc and could do want you want. Id imagine you would choose your desired colour of the "wear through" lay that down then paint the top colour you want. Laet it dry and then actually rub through it with 1500 or something. Then flat clear the lot. Or airbush the bits you want to look worn and flat clear over that.
ANYTHING can be done these days.

dr.doolittle, Apr 23, 3:06am
Here's an idea.
Get an old bonnet from a panelbeater. Clearcote it. While it's wet sprinkle(by hand) metal flakes from an angle grinder onto the wet coat.Leave it outside for a few weeks to corrode or spray it with acid from a squirty bottle. Then clearcote when you have the desired effect.
Check-out youtube, there's heaps of tutorial videos.
Nothing like a bit of experimentation.