Car owned for over two years and never serviced!

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hydroman08, Apr 23, 8:33pm
How can someone not do this!
Its been used as a daily driver, and numerous road trips.
Its a skyline by the way, GTT R34.

Must be a ticking time bomb

trogedon, Apr 23, 8:36pm
Not necessarily. Filters, oil and plugs are pretty good quality these days.I've just done the plugs in one of our everyday cars - got the car at 58km, its now on 166kms. The plugs weren't bad and it still ran ok.

yogibearz, Apr 23, 8:39pm
how many km in the two years. How many km in total. I once saw a three year old car which had done just over 60000km and never ever had a service. Motor was buggered. Owners like that need shooting.

a.woodrow, Apr 23, 8:41pm
Seen a brand new car driven for 3 years never serviced, travelled 60k, plates dead bald tyres. My parents had an old corolla that they didn't service for a couple of years, finally did it myself and drained about a cup of tar out of it

hydroman08, Apr 23, 8:41pm
its done 180,000 and they have done 30,000 since owning.

So 30,000 kms with no servicing.

a.woodrow, Apr 23, 8:41pm
Wasn't a holden viva was it!

yogibearz, Apr 23, 8:42pm
plugs i agree many are designed to do 100000km, but any dick head who doesnt change oils and filters for over 2 years should be confined to a wheel barrow or walking.

martin11, Apr 23, 8:49pm
Yeah plugs may be okay but what about the oil etcstupid person not to service that and the other liquids and filters

trogedon, Apr 23, 8:55pm
Of course - I do oil/filter every year.

mj.scott, Apr 23, 9:07pm
Don't appreciate u advertising this on tm when there r very few gtts 4 sale will b reporting u. My car goes fine and I understand that I should but not every1 can afford it and a majority of people who don't own new cars don't. I check my liquid levels regularly but thanks 4 being a dickhead about it on trade me. Its only selling 4 8500 so wot exactly did u expect in comparison to the rest of the coupe models wanting 14k plus

a.woodrow, Apr 23, 9:17pm
Bahahaha they didn't advertise anything!, OP never said that it was on trademe or for sale but you have outed it yourself! - Now we will know which one to steer clear of!

bellky, Apr 23, 9:19pm
Have to agree with a.woodrow here - guilty conscience much!

mj.scott, Apr 23, 9:25pm
Yes they did if u were to look mine is the only r34 gtt 4 sale with that amount of kms on clock owned 4 2years. That is plenty of info to go on when there r less than 17 gtt's on trademe 4 sale. Also car is in fine condition aside from me being too broke to service it. Neva missed a beat. Yes I agree it could use one but DEFINATLY Not a ticking time bomb. And a lot of cars not owned by mechanics or car enthusiasts or people with warrentys requiring servicing don't get regular services

hydroman08, Apr 23, 9:26pm
I guess we will just see what TM says now I've been reported for. something.
MJ - $8500 is still a lot to most people to be buying a second hand car.If it had crapped out would you have refunded the $$$.Doubt it.

mj.scott, Apr 23, 9:26pm
Not feeling guilty as not trying to hide anything when hydroman enquired I was perfectly honest

a.woodrow, Apr 23, 9:27pm
It's not in fine condition if you haven't serviced it. I think it's a time bomb. Moral of the story: don't buy something you can't afford to run

a.woodrow, Apr 23, 9:27pm
It's not in fine condition if you haven't serviced it. I think it's a time bomb. Moral of the story: don't buy somrthing you can't afford to run

a.woodrow, Apr 23, 9:29pm
You could report him for the name calling lol. Man it's funny that some people feel the need to make themselves look stupid, no-one would have pinned it to him - although I think he has been here before bleating about his skyline not selling

a.woodrow, Apr 23, 9:30pm
But OP didn't do that in this case

a.woodrow, Apr 23, 9:32pm
Actually not servicing WOULD have the potential to cause it to crap itself badly. How can you say the liquids are good when it hasn't been serviced for 30K!

hydroman08, Apr 23, 9:32pm
Come on Belky - even you agree its hideous.But like i said in that thread props to the guy who did the transplant, exhaust etc.Did a good job (esp as he obtained certification for it).Just looks terrible (IMO)

bellky, Apr 23, 9:32pm
I see what you mean.

bellky, Apr 23, 9:33pm
Yip ok sorry - I'm making a fool of myself here lol.

hydroman08, Apr 23, 9:34pm
Maybe people here can offer some friendly advice to help!Id say service would be a start (do you know anyone who could even do an oil change for you).At least then you can ad that to the ad.

a.woodrow, Apr 23, 9:34pm
And what does that tell you.!

Oh ok friendly advice. Uhm I think the price is still to high.