Is it a diagnostic wire! Intended for plugging in a device for measuring the injector duty cycle! Don't think it would be the tacho wire due to the duty cycle changing all the time. Im assuming you have already ruled out it being a power wire!
Apr 26, 11:50pm
It runs to a plug beside the ecu, I don't know what shape or size the plug was as I don't have the car loom,just the engine loom. And the diagnostics plug is mounted on the engine. Also its only on one wire.
Apr 27, 12:06am
It won't be for the tacho. The tacho takes its feed from a pin on the ECU. I would just tape this wire up and leave it. I have no idea what it's for, but as long as each injector has two wires to it, and they all terminate back at the relevant pins on the ECU, everything will be Ok.
Apr 27, 12:14am
Ok, and I guess if I need it it'll be easy to find as long as I don't cut it off.
Apr 27, 4:22am
what colour is it !
Apr 27, 4:26am
Lol, just a suggestion, instead of a photo of the truck, how about a photo of the wiring in question.
Apr 27, 4:30am
LOL I was thinking that, Any chance the wire in question is an earth!
Sep 25, 6:23pm
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't ECU have the excellent faicilty called the ECU school of Medicine? Doesn't ECU put out docotrs, and suregons all over the state? Don't cry poor mouth up here to me, because you will find no sympathy here. ECU is a state funded school, just like UNC, State, and the others. Why don't you have the facilities to compete in basketball to that mighty PIRATE CLUB, who takes one dollar from every two that comes in, and feeds it into the football program. Why you might ask, because they could care less about basketball there! It is a known fact that all of the money the Pirate CLub gets in goes towards Dowdy-Ficklen/Minges/UBE/Exxon/give me some money please so we can compete with the big boys. You know finding someone to actually admit that they are a ECU Basketball fan, is about as easy to find a DUKE football fan! You can't find either one, because they are both on the endangered species list.In closing my Pirate friend, you guys truly don't care about anything but football there and that's the bottom line. You don't want to play UNC in nothing but football, and baseball. Nor does your women sports if they still have any there. I don't see them lining up to play our women in anything either. You see I pull for UNC whether they are bad or good, and I pull for them in all sports men and women cause I can.At the end of the day you guys will still be ECU, and we will be UNC enough said!
Sep 26, 12:55pm
Are there any written docnemuts/completed forms needed before the Skipper's meetings for these races. In other words, does one just show up to the meeting to participate?
Sep 28, 10:24am
Nope i just get my ticket for free at every home game and i hnauogt with C*Bass and that group. I also know the person/people that's going to try to take over for C*Bass when he graduates after next year.One thing i didn't know and learned last night was that C*Bass is an RA ha
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