What oil for a 1999 Nissan Pulsar Hatch

rob_rooster, Apr 27, 9:13pm
Sorry for another what oil thread, just wonder what people recommend.
At the Moment it is Mobil super s 10-40.
Is that too thin for the engine as it appears to be going through the oil.
Car has done 140 thousand kms.

msigg, Apr 27, 9:20pm
I just use a 15/40 for everything, 10/40 should be ok as well, may be other problems if going through the oil. probably too expensive to get it fixed if its something like rings, check for leaks etc, otherwise make sure the engine always has oil and use it.

rob_rooster, Apr 27, 9:48pm
Thanks for the reply.
Well it doesnt seem to be leaking oil anywhere, so I assume its just burning it.

mugenb20b, Apr 28, 12:31am
We'd be out of business if we used 15/40 for everything. It's OK for the Pulsar and most cars, but not for all.

msigg, Apr 28, 12:40am
mugenb20b, I mean everything I owne which is 5 vehicles.

morrisman1, Apr 28, 6:25am
Mine likes 10w40, its a GA16DE engine. 15w40 took too long to come up to pressure in the cold mornings.

therafter1, Apr 28, 4:23pm
10/40 should be fine. If its a jap import it has probably done more like 240 k's, in which case the most likely source of the oil loss is wear due to lack of servicing in country of origin !

h2oldragon, Apr 28, 5:08pm
15w40 is what I use in a Pulsar

texastwo, Apr 28, 8:11pm
Why 240KM!

therafter1, Apr 28, 8:46pm
I am assuming its an import, so it is just a nice round figure that I allow for around about the 100k that has quite probably ???disappeared??

mugenb20b, Apr 28, 8:48pm
My apologies.

johnf_456, Apr 28, 8:55pm
I find most nz owners worse for maintaining cars.

rob_rooster, Apr 30, 11:43pm
Sorry for the bump, I just wanted to say it is NZ new not an import.
Thanks for all the replies!