Tom Tom No GPS signal

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calamityjane23, Apr 28, 9:34pm
Hi we have a tom tom and when turning it on, it comes up with no gps signal. Any suggestions on how to get this to work, Its only a year old and had very little use. Thanks

tigra, Apr 28, 10:03pm
Take it back to the seller. Had the same problem with a Uniden and got it replaced

sred69, Apr 28, 10:29pm
there is a update for all tom tom for this problem, plug it into your computer and do a free update

therafter1, Apr 28, 11:35pm
Before you get too carried away it may only require a master reset, have a look here and see if it covers your model.

mbikeman1, Apr 29, 2:14am
i got a uniden a month ago (new)and it takes a good 5mins most times to find a satelite and tell me where i am.Its great when i get to work in the morning and the it tells me im still at home,Is this not normal!

brokebloke1, Apr 29, 2:50am
drive the car out of the garage they need to see the sateilite.
dont laugh my sisters one wouldnt work in garage

27rose27, Apr 29, 3:45am
i got one for xmas and is now doing same, be interested to see if it is an update issue.

pandai, Apr 29, 4:25am
Use the TomTom software on your computer, and use it to download the QuickGPfSfix update for your TomTom.This is updated all the time and helps the units to find a signal quicker.Often can take 4 or 5 mins though, even outside.

carlz05, Apr 29, 4:31am
Agree with above.I've got a TomTom, if I haven't used it for a few months, it take a while to pick up the GPS signal again.Once it picks up one satellite, it transmits where 3-4 other satellites are. This takes a while as the satellites are like on dial up speed and not broadband.The satellites are quite old, and weren't designed for quick updates.If you want the GPS do an instant fix, you need to go to the TomTom website, it will download to your GPS where satellites are going to be for the next 7 days, so the GPS can pick up the signal quickly.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 29, 7:23am
Strange. My 8 year old Wises mapbook doesn't suffer any of these afflictions. And I can leave it on the seat without worrying that someone is going to break the window and steal it either.

n1smo_gtir, Apr 29, 9:35am
+1 that's cos most people can't read a blardy map so it's no use to them.

tim41, Apr 29, 1:41pm
yep and models t 's didnt have injectors proplems either

galex, Apr 29, 2:28pm
The satellites are constantly sending the positioning and time data, their age is not relevant. It is the GPS units themselves that are slow to acquire and process the satellite data.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 29, 5:02pm
I'd hate to be that useless.

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 29, 5:07pm
Advancement in technology that benefits durability is one thing. But GPS in cars is merely a pointless depreciating gadget.

texastwo, Apr 29, 6:36pm
Does it use a male voice or a female voice to give you route finding instructions!

tonyrockyhorror, Apr 29, 8:47pm
Who needs a voice! I have eyes and a working brain giving logic.

stabi360, Apr 29, 11:45pm
ok mine did this and looking on google there is a bug if you put in a demo it takes the gps signal away
to fix it you hold the on off button for about 20 seconds and resets it
you can also hook it into the pc and get updates first

sred69, Apr 30, 5:06am

timmo1, Apr 30, 4:29pm
It's possible related to an incorrect region setting- Ifa GPS has moved a large distance when turned off or it's locale setting is incorrect, the GPS has to re-download the information about the constellation of satellites (initialize) and then look for those, obtain signal etc.

mbikeman1, May 7, 4:16am
thanks for that timmo1,ill look at the setting etc when i next try to use it

aktow, May 7, 7:34am
have you tried pressing the reset buttonon the back of the gps. my gps would not start up. then i read the book and it said to reset the gps.

tfc3, May 7, 7:15pm
I had the no GPS signal with my TomTom. Down loaded the update from Tom Tom, now all ok

frank1, May 7, 11:41pm
While on the subject of gps units,anyone use a Garmin!--good units!

skull, May 8, 1:35am
Yup I have a Garmin, great unit and takes under 60 seconds to find the sattelites and bring up the map. Bluetooth on both mine has crapped out though so can't use them to answer my phone any longer.