Products to clean / polish Motorcycle Engine.

trogedon, Apr 15, 2:59pm
Its all together and bare aluminium. It has some corrosion on it. I've used Autosol on the crankcases but they're still dull and its too hard to get into and around the bolts. Any products (I'm thinking acids!) for the hard to get at places like the barrel etc! (I've degreased it)

sifty, Apr 15, 3:26pm
is it out of the bike!

maybe soda blasting is the best method!

stephenb1, Apr 15, 7:53pm
ok i found the best way to do what is needed is a standaed polishing kit for 50$ it has everything you will need from compounds to mops to polishing felt and vienna lime, british or ebay has them.

dr.doolittle, Apr 15, 8:50pm
If you've used Autosol & it's still dull you may need to use wet & dry sandpaper or a more aggressive cutting compound first. I had a similar problem with a motorcycle tank & a metal polisher told me the surface had too many starches to produce a mirror finish.
He was right, after wet & dry paper, cutting compounds & finally autosol I was able to get it to shine before clear coating it.

trogedon, Apr 15, 9:20pm
Good point. It doesn't seem scratched but I've got some 1000 grit here to attack it with and go from there. The biggest issue is the hard to get to bits though.

rob_man, Apr 15, 10:08pm
Polish eh! didn't know they made motorcycles there.

sifty, Apr 15, 10:17pm
oh yes, CWS, Junak, Lech, Osa, Podkowa, PZL, Romet, SHL, Sokol are some of the well known brands.

trogedon, Apr 16, 2:41am
Yeah, just humour him.

klrider, Apr 16, 2:40pm
I just used a product on the hull of an old alluminium boat that took all the dullness and wear away, it was amazing stuff, spray on, brush and hose off. I cant remember the name of it but its avaliable in most boat shops and cant see any reason why it would not work on boat alloy, maybe someone can, just a thought.

trogedon, Apr 16, 4:11pm
Sounds ideal - I'm all for brush on / hose off stuff. If you remember its name please post it here.

rob_man, Apr 16, 5:04pm
Mag wheel cleaner would be effective too methinks.

kazbanz, Apr 16, 10:21pm
Troggie--You are welcolm to grab some mag wheel cleaner from me but it isn't/never will be spray on/hose off. You need to get in there with a tooth brush and scrub in the really bad places. The only trouble is the cleaner will leave you with nice bare alloy but like bare steel it starts to corrode pretty fast. You need to get it sealed pretty quickly.
Ive also had success getting into fins etc with a "wire" wheel on an electric dril followed by a polishin "mop" on an electric drill

panicky, Apr 16, 11:49pm
vapour blasting, can't beat it

desmodave, Apr 16, 11:56pm
Bits seem to come up looking new again.Is it a good looking engine or just a simple jappa that would look better with fresh paint.

trogedon, Apr 17, 2:03am
Someone suggested that to me but I didn't think it would be strong enough but.I'll head down and see Kaz and if a little bit works with some scubbing.I'll buy some.

dr.doolittle, Apr 17, 2:19am
Just spray it black & sand/polish the tips of the cooling fins, you know what I mean &Polish the cases.

trogedon, Apr 17, 3:01pm
That would be the last resort but I'd at least polish the crankcases too. That's what happens when you leave your beloved motorbike in the shed un touched for 16 years!