Typical Ford,

locky6, Apr 14, 8:44am
brand new Transit van our company has leased and the gearbox shits itself. Only 600kms on the clock!

whqqsh, Apr 14, 2:32pm
so youve blown a tranny! dunno if Id brag a bout that.

rivermist8, Apr 14, 2:46pm
Not typical. Not even interesting !

gammelvind, Apr 14, 3:51pm
Well they ain't bottom of the heap of the big vans for nothing!

skin1235, Apr 14, 3:52pm
brand new, leased, 600km, you'd be in a new van again already

serf407, Apr 14, 3:53pm
Who was doing the burnouts with the leased transit !
e.g http://www.youtube.com/watch!v=kHwJUvTwWcM

floscey, Apr 14, 3:54pm
also well known for taking huge loads in the rear

3tomany, Apr 14, 3:59pm

nightboss, Apr 14, 6:19pm

franc123, Apr 14, 10:41pm
Oh well, its going to be fixed or replaced pronto if its a manufacturing fault or else someone is going to end up with a huge bill if it turns out to be broken because of abuse. Those are the only scenarios from here. Wouldn't be a typical occurance I'd have thought.

3tomany, Apr 15, 12:06am
i knew a guy once that broke down in his loaded 5 ton bedford truck carting hay but needed to get it out of the paddock pronto so hooked a tow rope to his brand new ford courier and was so surprised by how well it pulled it out of the paddock he decided he may as well carry on home since it was only 15km away. got home no problem but two weeks later 2nd gear pooed itself, ford fixed it under warranty but did quiz him as to what he had done and he denied any abuse. got away with it.

sandndude, Apr 15, 2:58am
FORD= Fix Or Repair Daily

floscey, Apr 15, 6:40pm
man thats original

nightboss, Apr 15, 8:02pm
Even Henry Ford Snr (1863-1947) tired of that one.

Got anything original to say!

sifty, Apr 15, 8:30pm
oooh, my old HQ crapped out on me once.

Should I start a post saying all holden products are rubbish.!

wizzbikz, Apr 16, 12:59am
Yes I employed a driver like you. LOOK boss the vans FKD time and time again. Made his life HELL for 2 weeks and he moved on. Well that was five years ago and new van driver has not even put the slightest dig and not one mechanical problem and thats one old van and one new van BOTH FORD TRANSITS. And I hate FORDs but value for money and space you carnt go past them

locky6, Apr 16, 3:04am
Oops, should have explained myself better. I wasnt the driver, they put a young waged driver into this new Transit and he was probably a bit rough on the gearbox. It was just a broken cable, no biggie.
Ive got my own 08 Transit and its been an absolute money pit e.g. clutch and gearbox replaced at 38000kms and not covered under warranty (so the dealer informed me, which is bollocks. Ive just replaced the clutch again at 208000kms, which is fair enough but instead of buying a brand new 08 I should have bought the last of the previous model. We had an 2003 and in the year I ran it, only an alternator needed replacing. Its a shame Toyota dont make a big enough van, their running costs are far less than the Fords

muzzaandmich, Apr 16, 3:12am
Or was that DROF.Driver returns on foot

3tomany, Apr 16, 4:26am
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ford_Transit how bad can they be in europe they outsell everything where they compete against vw,merc,fiat,etc and win

mals69, Apr 16, 4:30am
Theres Fords and Theres Fords - who would be silly enuff to buy a Ford of the ilk you are talking about .

3tomany, Apr 16, 4:34am
holy crap i just finished reading thatand apparantly the chinese transits get the falcon engine lucky little buggers

nightboss, Apr 16, 4:49am
When I see two seagulls on the beach fighting over a washed up fish head, it reminds me of Ford vs Holden arguments. Fighting over who's car is worse. "Holden, Ford, Holden, Ford, Holden, Ford, squawk, screech, squawk, screech."

3tomany, Apr 16, 3:41pm
um holden dont make a van who mentioned holden